After Effect cc basic to advance  courses.

There are several online platforms that offer free courses to learn After Effects, from basic to advanced levels. Here are a few resources you can learn from my channel.

In a comprehensive After Effects course, whether free, you can expect to learn a wide range of topics and techniques. Here are some of the key concepts and skills you can expect to learn from basic to advanced levels:

Keep in mind that the specific content and depth of these topics may vary depending on the course or tutorial you choose. It's recommended to explore multiple resources to gain a comprehensive understanding of After Effects and its various applications.

Graphics design courses

There are several platforms that offer free graphic design courses online. Here is my youtube chaner where we teaching all about graphics design.

In graphic design free courses, you can learn a variety of fundamental skills and concepts related to graphic design. While the specific topics covered may vary depending on the course and its duration, here are some common areas of learning you can expect:

Remember that the depth of learning and specific topics covered will depend on the course's duration and curriculum. Free courses may provide a good introduction to graphic design, but for more comprehensive and in-depth learning, you may consider paid courses or pursuing a formal education in graphic design.

Design thinking process

Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that emphasizes empathy, collaboration, and experimentation. It is a process that helps designers and non-designers alike to tackle complex problems and generate innovative solutions. The design thinking process typically consists of the following stages: 

The design thinking process typically consists of the following stages:

It's important to note that design thinking is not a linear process, and the stages may overlap or be revisited multiple times. The emphasis is on flexibility, collaboration, and learning from failures. The ultimate goal of design thinking is to create human-centered solutions that address real needs and provide meaningful experiences for users.

Video editing story telling with Premiere pro cc

Video editing is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance storytelling. By combining visuals, audio, pacing, and sequencing, video editing allows you to craft a narrative and engage your audience on an emotional level. Here are some key aspects to consider when using video editing for storytelling.

 Here are some key aspects to consider when using video editing for storytelling,

Remember, effective storytelling through video editing requires creativity, careful planning, and attention to detail. Experiment with different techniques, trust your instincts, and always keep the audience in mind. With practice and experience, you can develop your own unique style of video editing for storytelling.

Photoshop Tutorial

Illustrator Tutorial

Premiere pro Tutorial