Each type of subscription provides access to a specific media library; all API requests use only the media in that library, including search, details, and licensing requests.For example, when you search with a free subscription, the results are limited to images in the Free stock photos collection.For this reason, you might see different media by searching on the API versus searching on shutterstock.com.Before trying to license media, make sure that you can access it through the API with your API subscription.

You can use the licensing sandbox API to test your application's licensing, downloading, and license history code for images, video, and audio and verify that your subscription is working.Editorial licensing is not available in the sandbox.To use the sandbox, change the base URL of your requests to -sandbox.shutterstock.com.If you are using the JavaScript SDK, use the setSandbox method, as in the example in the right-hand pane (requires SDK version 1.0.11 or later).

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You can create collections of a single asset type, which are custom lists of a single type of Shutterstock asset, including images, videos, and audio tracks.You can create any number of collections and access them through the API or at shutterstock.com.Single-asset-type collections will be deprecated, so use catalog collections if your account has access to them.

Through the API, enterprise and SMB users can search catalogs, create catalog collections, and add Shutterstock assets to them, including images, videos, audio tracks, and editorial media.To add their own files and do other work with catalogs and catalog collections, they must access their catalogs with a web browser at shutterstock.com.

API subscriptions are separate from the subscriptions that are available on shutterstock.com.You can use an API subscription to license and download media only with the API; API subscriptions don't work on shutterstock.com.To buy an API subscription or set up a free account, see the pricing page.If you have a subscription from shutterstock.com and want to use it with the API, contact us.

In the reference information for each SDK method (see Documentation for methods or the API reference, each endpoint is labeled with the types of authentication it accepts and the OAuth scopes it requires, if any.In general, HTTP basic authentication is sufficient for search queries and for getting information about pieces of media.The API requires OAuth authentication for actions that require customers to log in to shutterstock.com, such as licensing and downloading media.

For POST requests like this one, you create an object of the appropriate class to pass as the request body.In this case, the shutterstock-api.ImagesApi.licenseImages method accepts a body parameter of the class shutterstock-api.LicenseImageRequest.This parameter is an array of objects of the class shutterstock-api.LicenseImage, each of which has the ID of an image to license.The reference information for each method shows the class for the body parameter.

When your images have been reviewed by Shutterstock, they can now be awarded the status Eligible for data licensing. This means your image is not accepted into the regular collection of shutterstock, but can be used to train AI software. Your image will not appear in your regular portfolio, so regular buyers can not find or license it. However it can still earn some money from the contributor fund, if it is used in a data set for machine learning. This status basically means your photo was rejected for the normal collection, but was found to be useful for training AI software. 006ab0faaa

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