Across the arid deserts of Nehekhara, vast legions of skeletal warriors rise from beneath the baking sands to slaughter those who trespass into their domain. It is a lifeless realm of endless dunes, stained red from the blood of savages and barbarians. This is the Land of the Dead, where mummified kings are cursed to rule in perpetual unlife. But it was not always thus.

There was a time when the ancient kingdom of Nehekhara stood as a crown of human civilisation; a golden age when its cities shone with majestic splendour, its armies conquered entire nations and its kings ruled as gods among men. But this realm was razed millennia ago by the treacherous sorcery of the reviled Nagash: in a stroke, the living perished and the dead rose from their tombs.

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Through centuries of work and culture, Nehekhara, known to its people as the Great Land, was built into a powerful civilisation. Its people built great cities out of white stone and carved marble. They constructed vast roads and fleets of ships to connect each city to its neighbours. Mighty kings, whose every whim was law, ruled the people. Vast armies of disciplined soldiers were raised and trained in the king's name, and those that invaded their cities were mercilessly cut down.

Greatest of these cities was Khemri, the City of Kings, and by tradition, whoever ruled it was considered the king of all Nehekhara. The other cities were each governed by their own king, though all were expected to show loyalty and pay tribute to Khemri. Together, these kings subdued the tribes in the surrounding lands, drove back the Greenskin hordes that plagued the border and ruled from the western deserts of Araby to the eastern Sea of Dread.[1d]

At its height, Nehekhara had expanded and conquered the lands as far north as what is now the barbaric lands of the Empire, as far south into the primordial jungles of the Southlands and even as far east into the foreboding Dark Lands. The king's armies marched across the world, subjugating all before them, and their vast fleets of galleys terrorised the Great Ocean. Though Nehekhara and its cities grew in size, wealth and influence, the kings thirsted for ever greater power. To this end, they began to war upon each other.[1d]

Over the years that followed, the Crown of Nehekhara, the symbol of rule over all of the Great Land, passed from king to conquering king. Dozens of kings rose and fell during that time, so many that their names are not even remembered, but it is known that none had the strength to prevail or maintain their power for long.

Of all the kings of Nehekhara, none could match the splendour, cruelty and arrogance of Settra, the newly crowned king of Khemri. He was a vain and egotistical man, and demanded not only the obedience of his subjects but also their absolute adoration. However, Settra was no fool, and when he listened to his priests he realised that only a leader who could command the respect of the gods would earn the full adulation of the people. To this end, King Settra, alone amongst all the kings of Nehekhara, paid homage to the ancient gods; early in his reign he ordered the restoration of temples and erected magnificent statues built in their honour.[1d]

First the city-state of Numas, known as the Scarab City, fell before his might. Then the port-city of Zandri surrendered, and with every victory more warriors flocked to his banner. Before long, Settra commanded the largest and most devout army Nehekhara had ever known. Vast legions of battle-hardened soldiers marched across the land of Nehekhara, and no mercy was shown to those who would dare oppose his might. In time, all the kings were conquered and Nehekhara stood unified once more.[1d]

They passed on their knowledge to the next generation who exceeded them in both wisdom and expertise. In this way, the Mortuary Cult's skill accumulated until the fifth generation of priests discovered the secrets of binding their souls into their bodies and did not die. After long years of perseverance and endless research, they had finally unlocked the secrets of eternal life, and though they had not perfected the necessary incantations, the ability to awaken the deceased kings from the sleep of death was almost in their grasp as well.[1d]

Every Priest King demanded that his pyramid outdo the efforts of his predecessors in order to prove his superiority. Though none had the audacity to surpass the majesty of the Great Pyramid of Settra, ever-bigger monuments were raised to honour the achievements of the kings. Titanic statues were carved to stand guard over their remains, keeping them secure through all eternity. Before long, all efforts of the people were expended in building and maintaining the necropolises.[1d]

After many long years, the remaining Priest Kings threw all their strengths and hopes into one final gambit, and the combined armies of seven kings marched upon Khemri. It was not only flesh and blood warriors who besieged Khemri, for beside the Priest Kings' armies strode towering statues. Faced with destruction by Nagash's sorcery, the Mortuary Cult had finally decided to take action and put their centuries of magical research into practice on the battlefield.[1d]

As Nagash's powerful sorceries coursed across Nehekhara, countless corpses stirred and rose, animated solely by the dark will of the necromancer. With his destruction, their source of animus vanished and they fell like marionettes whose strings had been mysteriously cut. Nagash's foul magic also penetrated the tombs of the kings and reverberated throughout the charnel pits of the dead cities.

However, protected and shielded to a degree by the wards and incantations placed upon their pyramids and necropolises, Nagash's spell affected the long-dead kings and their buried legions differently. After centuries of entombment, the stiffened corpses of monarchs and heroes awoke.[1d]

The mummified kings rose from their resting places. Legions of Skeleton Warriors burst forth from their sand-filled tomb pits, ready to do their liege's bidding. Due to the incantations of preservation performed on their embalmed bodies, the Tomb Kings awoke from their long journey through the Realm of Souls with their memories and faculties intact.

They emerged from their tombs in horror. Where the ancient kings had been promised eternal life in a paradise where they would rule supreme, they instead awoke to find themselves clad in desiccated flesh and rotten vestments, with their cities shattered, their lands desolate and their kingdoms all but destroyed -- little more than ruins poking out from beneath the sand dunes.[1d]

There had been countless kings during the long history of Nehekhara. The fires of ambition and pride that had driven them in life still resided in their ancient bodies, and they instantly set out to reclaim their empires as best they could. Kings who were great and powerful in life, who had reigned unchallenged for centuries, now awoke from death in a land where they were but one amongst hundreds.

In Khemri, the battles between rival kings lasted for days before the tomb of Settra opened, and the mightiest of all the kings of Nehekhara strode out into the blazing sunlight at the head of thousands of his warriors. In undeath, Settra hungered for the domination of his fellow Tomb Kings, and he would suffer no rival to his rule.

Settra listened with a barely controlled rage simmering within him. Once he had learned all he could from Khatep, he commanded that the Tomb Kings return to their eternal rest. The Liche Priests were given the duty of watching over the tombs and of awakening his vassal kings as needed. Settra vowed that he would stay vigilant, taking stock of the world and waging war as was his right. Never again would he slumber, lest his kingdom slide into ruin.

Settra the Imperishable would punish the barbarians for their insolence by staining the snows of their homeland red with their blood. The King of Nehekhara turned to his Liche Priests and ordered them to awaken his vassal kings; the combined might of Nehekhara's armies was going to war. Settra's war fleets sailed north, towards the frozen wastelands, laden with legions of Undead soldiers and war-constructs.[1d]

These unliving kings and their personal retinues of warriors and priests are all that remains to remember their passing. Since then, the Tomb Kings have ever reigned from their necropoli as they had always done, attempting to imitate the life they once knew and loved.[1b]

Alongside these mighty rulers are their trusted advisors, an ancient caste of religious figures known as the Liche Priests. These wizards of great power were once the keepers of great knowledge and forbidden lore, and the caretakers of Nehekhara's long-passed kings and queens. Below them stand the uncountable legions of warriors that serve eternally, never tiring nor dying for their unliving master.[1b]

There have been many Tomb Kings, even before they assumed that name. The kings of Nehekhara, after it was united, ruled for hundreds of years before their downfall. The High Kings, the rulers of Nehekhara (usually of Khemri) who commanded the loyalty of the lesser kings of the other cities, are as follows.

Since the soul is considered one of the most important aspects of the Mortuary Cult's beliefs, the Realm of Souls is considered the revered afterlife which the Cult promises Nehekhara's many kings. It was believed that upon death, the deceased's spirit would enter the Realm of Souls, also known as the Underworld or the Netherworld.

Here, the kings of Nekehara would reside in fantastic palaces until such time as a golden paradise worthy of their status was prepared, whereupon they would rule for a million years. It would be filled with all their servants, soldiers and worldly possessions, and so these were necessarily buried beside their monarchs upon death.[1d]

In mimicry of Settra's own great burial, the kings and princes of Nehekhara ordered magnificent necropoli and mighty pyramids to be built to store their souls until the time came when they will be reborn into their new and unending earth-bound life. be457b7860

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