Zoom Training

Do you need help with using Zoom technology before you join the NAD Region I Summit? You can download the app for a smart phone, desktop, ipad/tablet, etc, but a desktop or laptop are highly recommended and you need high speed internet service. Direct connection with a cable is best as well, but if you can't, make sure other devices are off (i.e. TV, kids' gaming devices, other computers/tablets) during a Zoom meeting.

Here are resources for downloading the app, setting up your Zoom account, and how to use various Zoom features:

NAD's tutorial using a PC (in English with pictures)

NAD's tutorial using a Mac (in ASL plus English with pictures)

NAD's tutorial using an iPad (in English with pictures)

Nicole Beaver's Zoom Tutorial (in ASL)

ASLTA's Zoom Meeting Etiquette (in ASL)

Jeff Pollock's Zoom Meeting with Interpreters (in ASL)

John Huddleston's Basic Introduction to Zoom (in ASL and with captions)

ASDB and Jr NAD's Basic Zoom Tips (in ASL)

American Bar Association's How to Make Zoom Accessible (in English)