
NACIRA was established in March 2008, the direct successor to NCOLR (National Council on Orientalist Library Resources) which was itself a development from the U.K. Standing Conference of National and University Libraries Advisory Committee on Orientalist Materials (SCONUL ACOOM).

Its objectives are to provide a general forum for librarians, archivists and researchers involved in the collection, development and use of library resources and services for Asian and Middle Eastern studies; to promote and improve access to these resources; to liaise with and encourage co-operation between the various library groups concerned with particular regions of Asia; and to promote contacts with similar organisations outside the UK.

All members of our Regional Library Groups have automatic membership.

Membership is also open to:

  • Institutions providing access to relevant library resources.
  • Other organisations interested in the objectives of NACIRA.
  • Individuals interested in the objectives of NACIRA.

No subscription is currently levied, but a charge will be made for attendance at the Annual General Meeting and Conference, which is held in December, to cover running expenses. Notices will be emailed to all registered members and Regional Library Groups. Copies of the constitution are available on request from the Secretary.


NACIRA organises a Conference and Annual General Meeting, usually held in December. It co-funds the administration of the UKIRA (Mapping Asia) website. This is a database of intellectual resources (collections of books, journals, newspapers, AV materials, etc.) concerning Asia and the Middle East, that are located in UK libraries and other institutions.

NACIRA has a Facebook page.

© National Committee for Information Resources on Asia