Awards and Competitions


Teaching upper level courses that involve student projects? If so, the annual NABEC undergraduate student paper and design competitions are an excellent opportunity to enhance the impact of your students’ work. Individuals or teams may enter either competition. Entries for the paper competition should focus on technical topics of interest to the agricultural and biological engineering community and can, for example, be based on substantial class term projects, independent studies, or undergraduate research projects. Projects entered in the design competition must involve engineering design of a system, component, or process for applications in agriculture, forestry, engineering or related fields. Design competition entries have frequently been but need not be limited to the product of senior design projects.

The deadline for the NABEC undergraduate student paper and design competitions is 5:00 PM, June 1, 2024

Electronic submittal of all entries in pdf format shall be done here

Cash prizes to first, second, and third place entries are awarded for both competitions and travel expenses for first place winners to the 2024 NABEC meeting are available. Entries must include summer addresses/contact information for the students.

Please encourage your students to enter the competitions. Also, please, consider volunteering your services as a reviewer! You will not be asked to review more than a few entries, and the review process is uncomplicated. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the entries and your efforts will be greatly appreciated. Contact the Student Paper and Design Competition Committee Chair:

Satyanarayan Dev, PhD

Associate Professor & Chair

Biological Systems Engineering

Florida A&M University


The deadline for undergraduate competition entries is 5:00 PM, June 1, 2024


Each year NABEC offers an award for Young Engineer of the Year. This award honors NABEC members for outstanding accomplishments in research, design, extension or other areas in the field of agricultural and biological engineering and the overall advancement of the Agricultural/Biological Engineering Profession. Awards are made based on nominations submitted by colleagues. The award consists of an engraved plaque presented in person at the NABEC Annual Awards Banquet.

Eligibility: Those eligible are NABEC members who have not passed their 40th birthday on July 1 of the year in which they are selected. If you know a young engineer who deserves consideration for this honor you are urged to submit a nomination for him or her. Nominations will remain active for a period of three years. The nomination should be accompanied by the following documentation:

· a letter of nomination, including date of birth.

· an up-to-date resume for the nominee (not exceeding 2 pages in length).

· a 300 to 500 word narrative suitable for publication and use in the presentation of the award.

· 3 letters of support for the nomination.

· the nominee must be able to attend the conference to receive the award.

If you know a young engineer (industry, government or academic) that deserves recognition due to his/her contribution to the profession, please let us know. Further information is available on the NABEC web site ( Nominations and questions concerning the nomination may be directed to:

2024 Honor & Awards Chair:

Ajay Shah

Ohio State University

110 FABE

Wooster, OH 44691


           Nomination Deadline is May 15, 2024


And for those who gave great service to NABEC? They won’t be forgotten!!!

A special award is presented annually to individuals who have contributed outstanding service to NABEC. The criteria for the award are:

· contribute as an officer, local arrangements, program committee, tour arrangements or other significant effort to NABEC;

· support NABEC by encouraging colleague participation;

· professional activities in the Northeastern US / Eastern Canada area

The award shall consist of a plaque with appropriate inscription and will be presented at the NABEC Annual Awards Banquet. Nominations may be held over for two years. Nominations for the award should be:

· a one page (maximum) completed nomination form,

· a letter detailing the qualifications and specific activities and contributions.

Nominations and questions concerning the nomination may be directed to:

2024 Honor & Awards Chair:

Ajay Shah

Ohio State University

110 FABE

Wooster, OH 44691


           Nomination Deadline is May 15, 2024

2024 NABEC Graduate Student Competitions

Graduate students in agricultural and biological engineering (or related programs) are invited to participate in the NABEC Graduate Student Competition by submitting an abstract proposal for either an oral or poster paper presentation by the announced deadline. Competition is for 1) Best Graduate Student Oral Presentation and 2) Best Graduate Student Poster Presentation, as judged by panels. Awards are given to the top three winners in each category, including a certificate and a cash award. Entrants must be current or recently graduated graduate students and must submit the abstract proposals using the NABEC Call for Abstract Proposals Form by the specified deadline. The total number of participants in the oral competition is limited, therefore, assignments will be prioritized based on time of submission (i.e., first come, first serve basis). Evaluation will be based on established criteria that include both content and presentation. For further information contact the Program Chair.

2024 Program Chair:

Satyanarayan Dev

 Florida A&M University



The deadline for graduate competition entry was February 2, 2024