Non-Academic Work

Below, you'll find my non-academic/consulting work. For any questions or replication code requests, feel free to reach out by writing to, and I will respond as soon as possible.


Macro Pakistani

How should SBP respond to changes in oil prices in Pakistan?

Abstract: This article analyses the impact of global oil price increases on inflation in Pakistan and provides recommendations for how an inflation-targeting SBP could respond to such shocks.


Tabadlab, an Islamabad-based Think Tank

Fiscal and Monetary Policy for When Covid-19 Infections Spike
Abstract: This first response gives a detailed breakdown of the fiscal and monetary measures needed to deal with the adverse economic implications of COVID-19. 

Bearing the Cost of Global Politics: The Impact of FATF Grey-Listing on Pakistan's Economy

Abstract: This working paper aims to investigate the economic implications of Pakistan’s placement on the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) grey list.  Following the approach set forth by Abadie and Gardeazabal (2003), the synthetic control method is used to analyze how Pakistan’s economy would have evolved in the absence of FATF interventions between 2008-2019.  

(Media Coverage: Bloomberg, Nikkei Asia, Al Jazeera, Express Tribune, and Business Recorder)

Research Assistant

International Growth Centre, Lahore University of Management Sciences