
 Apply using the application packet below

Applications are due April 1st!

Please email applications to

*Please note the email on the original application was wrong! Applicants please check that your recommendation letters are sent to the correct email address! 


As we draw closer to the due date, we have some changes and reminders we would like to share with you all! 


The submission deadline has been moved to April 7th for VIDEO SUBMISSIONS ONLY. 

All paperwork is still DUE APRIL 1ST. 

You will need to receive special approval from the Youth Cup Team for this extension such as: 

Extreme weather conditions 


Injury that occurred during the time of applying. (February-April)

The video time has been lengthened to 10 MINUTES. We reviewed some of the higher level knapamerki tests and found that they exceed our allotted time of 7 minute. Due to this we have increased the video time to 10 minutes. 


There is no instructions allowed during filming. We want a raw and true video of your riding, without the instructions of your coach/trainer. However, having someone read out the ridden program is allowed. 

Video must be labeled correctly and submitted through:

Vimeo, YouTube, or Google Drive (If it is through Google Drive it must be set to be accessible to anyone with the link). 

This video is a large part of your application, be sure you send in a video that our judge can clearly view all of your riding abilities. We are receiving a large amount of applicants this year and we want everyone to have a fair shot at applying! This makes it as pressing as ever to have your video/paperwork completed and accessible. 
