A Little Bit Of History – N in ‘89

(how the National N Scale Conventions began)by Ian Sprent
Time: 1988, Location: Campbelltown Fishers Ghost festival; three members from the Sydney N club were displaying an N-Trak layout in Sydney for the first time. There had been an earlier NTrak display mounted by the Brisbane N-Trak at the AMRA Liverpool exhibition.
Although not officially sanctioned by Sydney N, these three model railroaders may not have come together had they not been members of this club. Gerry Hopkins (Gerry was a clinic presenter at the first Convention.) was also displaying at Fishers Ghost, and on the Sunday offered to operate the N-Trak while the three went to lunch. This was gratefully accepted and the three adjourned to the local park for a hot pie and a can of Fosters.During the discussions over lunch someone said, “Wouldn’t it be great to have a purely N Scale convention here like they have in the States!”
The three were Dane Parker, Ian Crane and the writer. Dane with his usual enthusiasm said, “Why don’t we!”, and so the wheels started to turn for the first National N Scale Convention – “N in ’89 Convention”.
At the meeting in the park a number of key decisions were made:· The first being to proceed with the organizing of the convention.· The convention would be held over 2 days, Saturday & Sunday.· The convention would be called “N in ’89”.· The committee would be small and as it turned out was limited to the original three. Dane filling the position of chairman, Ian Sprent the positions of secretary and treasurer, and Ian Crane all other rolls.· The costs would be as little as possible. The rationale behind this was that most modellers would spend $10 just to see what the convention was all about. Early convention registration was $10 and late, and even registration on the day of the convention, was only $15.· The convention activities would consist of a number of operating N Scale layouts together with N Scale related clinics and trade stands. The Saturday nights activities would be relaxed with films, videos, pizzas and beer, and much talk.
All of these decisions took less the 15 minutes.
With a limit budget, an affordable location was the first challenge. Both Dane and Ian Crane were members of the armed services; Dane with the Air Force and Ian with the Army. Ian was aware of a hall owned and operated by the Army at Merrylands and approaches were made to the Army. A willing acceptance by the Commanding Office followed a meeting with the three convention organizers. The Army also offered via the mess committee to cater for the convention at lunchtimes and to open the bar during the evening activities. And so the first major problem was also solved. We now had a location for our convention. As a matter of interest, this hall has since been demolished and replaced with a McDonalds outlet.
As many of the readers will be aware, Dane also operated a mail-order N Scale business trading as American-N. He offered to circularize all of his customers with details and times for the convention. Ian Crane produced flyers for circulation via the Sydney hobby shops and so our Bi-Annual Convention was off and running.
The records of the first Convention have long since gone but as near as I can recall there were between 150 and 170 attendees at the first Convention, held on 20th & 21st May.What has happened to the three? Most of you would be aware that Dane has since past away. I have lost contact with Ian Crane. With advancing age and decreasing eye sight, I have moved to HO, but will still have an entry in the competition at the N Convention in Brisbane.
In closing, it should not be forgotten the debt our convention owes to both Sydney N and N-Trak without which the first convention may never have happened. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the modellers who were brave enough to put their money down for an event that was totally new and untried up until that time and to also thank all of those that have since carried the batten.
See you all in Brisbane, September 2005.
(published in the Australian N Scale Modellers Newsletter, July 2005)