Over the past few years squatting has mostly been a marginal phenomenon in the Czech Republic. However, with the establishment of the autonomous social center Klinika in an abandoned former lung clinic in Prague, squatters came up with a new approach. Now, the movement is moving out of the periphery once again.

Klinika is part of a leftist tradition resisting the omnipresent forces of neoliberal capitalism. But the developments in and around our small autonomous center in Prague also reflect a creative power that possesses its own, genuine voice. The very existence of Klinika seems to have opened up new spaces or broadened already existing opportunities for collective action in the fields of sexism, racism, ageism and other, intersecting forms of discrimination.

N Med Center - Klinikas

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For more than a year now, we are building autonomy in Klinika, with the goal of creating a safe space against all forms of oppression interconnected within the totality of capitalism. This is one of our core principles; one we keep developing on a daily basis through the practice of creating an autonomous center. The individualizing forces of neoliberal capitalism have prompted us to search for something else, and the ongoing experiment at Klinika is an attempt to rediscover freedom in the personal autonomy to act, to acquire knowledge and take control of our lives.

The situation began to change slowly after the eviction the last squat in Prague in 2009. In the next years the squatting has become important repertoire of action of the small radical and autonomous milieu in Prague. In despite of police repression and quick evictions of the squats, activists used the squatting as a tool in struggle against real estate speculations, and as a symbolic challenge the dogma of private property as one of the cornerstone of capitalist ideology in the Czech republic. After 2012 only one squat (Cibulka) remained, but squatters brought attention to the issues of speculations. Besides this symbolic struggle there was long-term effort in autonomous milieu to open squatted social center as autonomous space for radical and anti-capitalists politics. [Read More]

The services of a medical rehabilitation center are designed to treat patients and restore strength after surgery, trauma or various chronic diseases. The team of specialists of the Rehabilitation Center is ready to accept anyone who suffers from back, joint, head or postoperative pain, dizziness, chronic fatigue, acute and chronic neurological diseases

Experts from our clinic have high academic achievements: specialists in ophthalmology, most of them holding a PhD in medical sciences and wide practical experience which is constantly improved in international ophthalmology centers. The clinic cooperates with prestigious institutions and guest experts from Europe and the USA.

Since 2019, the San Donato Polyclinic has been home to the National Institute for Obesity Treatment (INCO), a national reference center with a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of obesity. Thanks to INCO, dietary, psycho-behavioral and surgical treatments are carried out together with the most innovative laparoscopic and minimally invasive methods.

Clinic San Donato is one of the most famous centers for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in Europe. For more than 50 years, congenital malformations, arrhythmias and other heart diseases have been treated here.

Extensive experience in the treatment of heart pathology made it possible to open a research center for the study of blood vessels and the heart on the basis of the clinic. It has been accredited by the Italian Ministry of Health as the Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare (IRCCS). Having a wealth of experience, the doctors of San Donato take on the most difficult cases, when there is nothing they can do to help at the place of residence of a foreign patient.

The first examination in women at increased risk should be performed between the 11th a nd 14th weeks o f p regnancy with the use of an endovaginal probe in a reference center. If doubts occur, examinations should be repeated every 2 weeks until the 18th week of gestation in order to rule out or confirm a defect. An experienced interdisciplinary team for prenatal diagnosis and therapy consisting of a geneticist, obstetrician, neonatologist, radiologist, surgeon and cardiologist should do everything they can to make the diagnosis precise. When abnormalities are observed in the structures of the CNS during an ultrasound examination, the severity of the pathology detected must be specified (e.g. ventricular dilatation or hydrocephalus) and the treatment options as well as prognosis must be established.

MRI-compatible incubators are available only in two centers in Poland. High costs of such examinations must also be taken into account. Thus, it is not currently possible to perform MRI examinations in all preterm neonates and they are conducted only in the high-risk group:

Objective: Lung transplantation has become a standard of care for patients with a variety of non-malignant end-stage lung diseases. The aim of the study was to report on the safety and feasibility of lung transplantation at the Zagreb University Hospital Center. Methods: In this single center retrospective observational study, all consecutive patients undergoing lung transplantation at the Zagreb University Hospital Center from April 2021 until December 2022 were included. The only inclusion criterion was surgery for lung transplantation. Patient demographic and operative characteristics were reported, as well as early outcomes, including 30-day mortality, hospital stay, intensive care unit stay, duration of mechanical ventilation, and incidence of primary graft dysfunction. The degree of primary graft dysfunction was graded based on the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation criteria at 72 hours after transplantation with grades 0 to 3. Results: During the 21-month study period, 19 patients were successfully transplanted. There was no 30-day mortality. There was one late death at 18 months after transplantation. Median in-hospital stay was 32 days, ranging from 21 to 62 days. Mean mechanical ventilation duration was 10558 h and median of intensive care unit stay was 6 days, ranging from 4 to 15 days. Only two (11%) patients had the highest grade 3 primary graft dysfunction. Of the remaining patients, 16 (84%) had none (grade 0) and one (5%) patient had mild primary graft dysfunction (grade 1). Conclusion: Our results suggest that lung transplantation is safely performed at the Zagreb University Hospital Center. Initial results with no operative mortality are encouraging. Further follow-up and experience are needed to make inferences on long-term outcomes of our lung transplantation patients. e24fc04721

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