About Me


2013: I started my bachelor studies in Computer Science in the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in Brazil, and joined the NNLP (Neucognition and Natural Language Processing) Research Lab, headed by Professor Villavicencio, as an undergraduate research assistant.

2013-2015: I pursued studies in computer science while working part-time at the NNLP research lab. There, I was involved in research focused on measuring lexical complexity in texts. I was also part of a joint project between Samsung Brazil and UFRGS, whose purpose was the creation of a language independent pipeline of lexical simplification focused on children learning. Finally, in 2015 I received the double degree scholarship CAPES-BRAFITEC, that ranks students with respect to their academic performance. 

2015-2016: In the context of my double degree scholarship, in 2015 I enrolled in the French university Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble (INP), at their Information Systems Engineering (ISI-ENSIMAG) program. For the first semester, I studied mainly Distributed Systems and Cloud technologies. From March to August 2016, I was an intern at the SAP Headquarters, in Walldorf, Germany. My project focused on the performance evaluation of their SAP HANA Vora product for the Predictive Maintenance task, testing machine learning algorithms on a distributed environment. 

2016-2017: After concluding my studies at ISI-ENSIMAG, I enrolled on the last year of the international master's program Masters of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MoSIG-UGA),  for the Artificial Intelligence and Web specialization. My Masters final project was supervised by Professor Villavicencio and Professor Besacier, and the research focus was the application of attention-based neural machine translation systems to the segmentation of phonetic input in an unknown (and low-resource) language. Due to this work, I received a French Ministerial Excellency Scholarship to pursue my PhD in the same research laboratory.

2018: In 2018 I finished my double degree program, receiving, in fact, three diplomas: Bachelor in Computer Science (UFRGS), Information Systems Engineering (ENSIMAG-INP) and Masters in Computer Science (MoSIG-UGA).

2020: I was offered a RIKKEN-AIP summer internship scholarship at NAIST, Nara Japan, with Professor Nakamura and Professor Sakti. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this collaboration was put on hold. 

2021: Defended my PhD thesis.  Started working at the Laboratoire d'Informatique d'Avignon with Professor Estève as a postdoctoral researcher, being part of the European project SELMA and of the ON-TRAC project. Organized several events as TALN 2022, RÉCITAL 2022 and IWSLT 2022 low-resource task.

2022: Started a postdoc at NAVER LABS Europe, working on the European project UTTER and on internal NLE projects.

2023: Co-organized the SASB 2023 workshop, which was the largest workshop at ICASSP 2023. Together with colleagues, won two speech translation challenges at the IWSLT 2023 low-resource track (Tamasheq-French and Quechua-Spanish).

2024: Started a permanent position at NAVER LABS Europe.

