Mystical Developers

Official Site

Top News: Pellet Dodge is getting its final updates (for now) and a new game is starting to form...

About Us

We're a small team (mainly just one person, with the occasional help of friends) trying to make fun and good software for you, the user, to enjoy.

Our Mission: Create fun and high quality games, apps, and other software for everyone to enjoy with prices being either low, or completely free. (Unfortunately not always free, because we still have to afford the fees that is game development and publishing.) We do low prices because we hate the way AAA companies release expensive games and then focus on making the most microtransactions possible. Unfortunately, we also may have to do microtransactions (so we can afford to make and publish games), but it's always going to be DLC for more stuff to play, or sometimes use cosmetically, and we like to release a lot of stuff for free.

For questions, please see the FAQ Page, or email us as