
After only 2 weeks, I was really surprised. I had lost 13 lb! The puffiness was gone and my skin looked a lot better! My stomach and hips were slimmer again. Not to mention that I was in a better mood! I believed in myself again and that I could get fit without dieting and exercising. I continued and ate everything I liked . I really hated all those hard trainings and strict diets...

At the end of the third week, I had lost another 26 lb! I got really fit and even decided to take the stairs again instead of the elevator. What was once a torment has been a joy ever since. I can hardly believe it myself. I just followed the instructions on the packaging. Anyone can do that! After only two months, I had lost 68 lb!

I have reached my goal in only 60 days. My stomach is slim, I have lost 68 lb and I now have my dream figure which I never imagined possible !