MySQL Connector/J is the official JDBC driver for MySQL. MySQL Connector/J 8.0 and higher is compatible with all MySQL versions starting with MySQL 5.7. Additionally, MySQL Connector/J 8.0 and higher supports the new X DevAPI for development with MySQL Server 8.0 and beyond.

MySQL provides standards-based drivers for JDBC, ODBC, and .Net enabling developers to build database applications in their language of choice. In addition, a native C library allows developers to embed MySQL directly into their applications.

Mysql Connector J Driver Free Download

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My Netbeans 8.0 IDE was set up using an older version of the MySQL JDBC Driver, 5.1.23. I upgraded MySQL to 8.0 and am trying to setup a new JDBC Driver in Netbeans because the old driver isn't able to connect to the new DB (*see note at end).

In your New JDBC Driver screenshot NetBeans is naming the driver MySQL (Connector/J driver) (1). Presumably that is because you already have a driver named MySQL (Connector/J driver), and your first screen shot confirms that. Why are you trying to add a second driver for MySQL? If there is no good reason, can you delete the old one, and then try adding the driver again?

The download page for Connector/J states "We suggest that you use the MD5 checksums and GnuPG signatures to verify the integrity of the packages you download". Did you do that? It's unlikely but possible that you have a corrupt file. Also, note that you must select "Platform Independent" when downloading the driver for Windows.

I was trying to connect to MySQL using JDBC API. I have downloaded the MySQL driver which is the "mysql-connector-java-5.1.28-bin jar" file. My OS is Windows 7 and I have set the Classpath of Java to following path:

Just restart the server and check whether any index file is inside modules/com/mysql/main(Suppose your mysql connector jar name is mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar after restart there will be mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar.index.

I've just upgraded our BitBucket Server to 5.2.2 and it won't start with an error message: "The database, as currently configured, is not accessible. Bitbucket is configured to use the mysql driver (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver) but it is not available.".

This is not the first time I was upgrading the BitBucket Server. As it was with the last time I was upgrading it, I've put the latest jdbc driver (mysql-connector-java-5.1.43-bin.jar) in the /opt/atlassian/bitbucket/5.2.2/lib folder. It doesn't matter if I start it with service atlbitbucket start or 5.2.2/bin/ commands, the error is always there.

This is also a problem in the Windows (Server 2016) and BitBucket (Version 6.2) install as well. The proper location for the driver is /Bitbucket/lib. If you follow the instructions as published you'll lose your mind trying to connect to MySQL.

And you may have done that on the mysql on your old machine. But you now shown here using 127. 0.0.1 in your cf dsn, so it's a local mysql install. Try changing its root pw to what your using for that previous one.

An error message from Data Direct ODBC drivers for MySQL is shown when trying to connect to MySQL Community Servers database using DataStage ODBC enterprise stage or trying to import the table definition from the same database.IBM Information...

I had tried installing the mysql-connector-odbc_8.0.22-1ubuntu18.04_amd64.deb package and it had complained about not finding the mysql-community-client-plugins package. I tried a few variations of apt-cache search mysql-community-client-plugins to locate this additional package but nothing came up.

My overall findings was that while there were quirks, both the ODBC and ADO.Net drivers that I tried worked fine. Both drivers work with the ADO.Net Source (DataReader Source in 2005), and ADO.Net destination (Katmai only). For ease of use and install, I'd recommend using the ADO.Net driver.

Our connectivity white paper briefly mentions using MySQL's ODBC drivers, so they were the first thing I tried. I didn't so extensive testing, but it looked like both the 5.1 (beta) and 3.51 (release) drivers worked the same when connecting to my MySQL 5.0.45 server.

The ODBC drivers didn't show on the list of choices in the windows "ODBC Data Source Administrator" dialog (I'm running Vista x64... not sure if I have to do something special to make them show), so I entered the connection string directly instead of using a DSN.

I had only installed the 32bit drivers on my machine (it doesn't look like they will let you install both 32bit and 64bit MySQL drivers at the same time). Switching the Run64BitRuntime project setting to False fixed the issue.

Like we saw with the ODBC drivers, the tables and views didn't show up in the drop down list (I didn't get a chance to debug too deep into it, so I'm not sure if that's a problem on the SSIS side, or something about the metadata being returned by the provider).

When I look at the ODBC Data Source Administrator on my desktop (where the query fails), the drivers tab shows 2 MySQL drivers: MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver and MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver. I tried uninstalling the MySQL drivers and installing the latest MySQL drivers with the same error.

Sounds like a bug in Toad Data Point. We bundle our own mySQL drivers, so the error you are getting should not be a problem. What version are you using? Can you download the latest Toad Data Point, which is 4.1?

Yes, I am attempting to run the query in TDP. Yes, windows is a 64 bit version. I did uninstall the MySQL ODBC drivers, and installed the 64 bit MySQL ODBC drivers. The download file is entitled: mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.7-winx64. Do you think I need to reinstall using a different file?

I have included a screenshot of the code with the error message. The questions becomes, what do I need to do to fix it, and how do I have it point to the User DSN I created? It looks like you can create a File DSN, but that doesn't seem to get many anywhere either. I am confussed how I would wire the User DSN to the open connection vi so I don't have to have the prompt always come up. When I 'test connection' from the User DSN config window from the Admin Tools in Control Panel, I connects without issue, so it would appear to be that tring to make the connection from Labview is the problem. I do have a user ID and password, and I saved them in the User DSN config, do I really need to re-enter them at the Labview level? I guess the thing that jumps out me here is that it says it has a mismatch, I am trying to use the latest driver (5.1), and the example above is using MySQL ODBC 3.51. Does this cause a problem with the 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers'?

So my issue might be 64 vs 32 bit ODBC driver. I know that installed the 64 bit driver. I will download and install the 32 bit tomorrow. I did forget to mention that I am using a 32 bit version of Labview. It does beg the question do I need to use the 32 bit version of MySQL as well, or is the driver able to talk to a 64 bit database server? Basically everything needs to be 32 bit?

One little note, to configure a DSN file using the 32-bit driver, you have to use the 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64odbcad32.exe' because the normal one you run from Admin Tools does not list the 32-bit version of the MySQL ODBC driver. At this point, I could point to the file, and get everything running without issue both locally and remotely.

However, I got it to work and for documentation reasons (at least I didn't find any suitable instructions for loading drivers) I outline what exactly I did (also to assure that I did the right thing):

To your question: I think the hint was to use the 5.1.49 drivers and somewhere deep in the instruction it said that you only can use version 5.1. Below are the steps I did ... please tell me if I did something wrong or unnecessary.

For what you say, seems that you installed the "PDI MySql Plugin". To be honest, I've never had the need to use it but I assume that the only thing you'd need is to delete the prior "mysql-connector-java-5.1.23.jar" and replace it with the new "mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar" (don't copy the "-bin" jar as it can give you some problems).

I'm trying to connect from alteryx to an external MySQL database (I have standard information such as the number of the server, the port, username, password and the name of the database). I know that there is the possibility to do so by "input tool" and the MySQL ODBC connector, but I have no idea how to configurate it in order to read the databases.

I am installing Ignition 8.1.xx on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5 server. When I attempt to make a database connection to my MySQL database I get an error that connector files are missing. I believe the missing file is mysql-connector-java-8.0.29-1.e18.noarch.rpm. When I proceed to install this file I get the following error:

MariaDB Connector/J is a Type 4 JDBC driver. It was developed specifically asa lightweight JDBC connector for use with MariaDB and MySQL database servers.It was originally based on the Drizzle JDBC code with numerous additions andbug fixes.

The preferred way to get a connection with MariaDB Connector/J is to use the DriverManager class.When the DriverManager class is used to locate and load MariaDB Connector/J, the application needs no further configuration. The DriverManager class will automatically load MariaDB Connector/J and allow it to be used in the same way as any other JDBC driver.

MariaDB Connector/J 3.0 only accepts jdbc:mariadb: as the protocol in connection strings by default. When both MariaDB Connector/J and the MySQL drivers are found in the class-path, using jdbc:mariadb: as the protocol helps to ensure that Java chooses MariaDB Connector/J.

driver 3.0 is a complete rewrite of the connector. Specific support for aurora has not been implemented in 3.0, since it relies on pipelining. Aurora is not compatible with pipelining.Issues for Aurora were piling up without the community proposing any PR for them and without access for us to test those modifications. (2.x version has a 5 years support). 0852c4b9a8

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