Normally you should use the standard libmysql client library to connect toMariaDB/MySQL. The main reason for wanting to use this one is if you want todistribute your non GPL application with MySQL support (to provide someoptional feature) but don't want to change the license of your application toGPL.

A command-line interface is a means of interacting with a computer program where the user issues commands to the program by typing in successive lines of text (command lines). MySQL ships with many command line tools, from which the main interface is the mysql client.[114][115]

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The replication code and BerkeleyDB code is still not as tested and asthe rest of the code, so we will probably need to do a couple of futurereleases of 3.23 with small fixes for this part of the code. As long asyou don't use these features, you should be quite safe withMySQL 3.23!

mysqlbinlog now asks for a password at console when the-p/--password option is used with no argument. This is how theother clients (mysqladmin, mysqldump..) alreadybehave. Note that one now has to use mysqlbinlog -p;mysqlbinlog -p  will not work anymore (in otherwords, put no space after -p). (Bug #1595)

Fixed buffer overflow in password handling which could potentially beexploited by MySQL users with ALTER privilege on themysql.user table to execute random code or to gain shell access withthe UID of the mysqld process (thanks to Jedi/Sector One for spotting andreporting this bug).

mysqldump now correctly quotes all identifiers when communicatingwith the server. This assures that during the dump process, mysqldumpwill never send queries to the server that result in a syntax error. Thisproblem is not related to the mysqldump program's output,which was not changed. (Bug #1148)

Fixed a bug when doing LOAD DATA INFILE IGNORE: When readingthe binary log, mysqlbinlog and the replication code read REPLACEinstead of IGNORE. This could make the slave's tablebecome different from the master's table. (Bug #218)

mysqldump no longer silently deletes the binary logs when invoked withthe --master-data or --first-slave option;while this behavior was convenient for someusers, others may suffer from it. Now you must explicitly ask for binarylogs to be deleted by using the new --delete-master-logs option.

Fixed double free'd pointer bug in mysql_change_user()handling, that enabled a specially hacked version of MySQL clientto crash mysqld. Note that you must log in to the serverby using a valid user account to be able to exploit this bug.

In 3.23.47 we allowed several NULL values in a UNIQUE secondaryindex for an InnoDB table. But CHECK TABLE was not relaxed: itreports the table as corrupt. CHECK TABLE no longer complains inthis situation.

Note: If you are using latin1 and have inserted characters whosecode is greater than 127 into an indexed CHAR column, you shouldrun CHECK TABLE on your table when you upgrade to 3.23.44, anddrop and reimport the table if CHECK TABLE reports an error!

Fixed critical bug in InnoDB and BLOB columns. If you haveused BLOB columns larger than 8000 bytes in an InnoDBtable, it is necessary to dump the table with mysqldump, drop it andrestore it from the dump.

Changed INNOBASE to InnoDB (because the INNOBASEname was already used). All configure options and mysqldstart options now use innodb instead of innobase. Thismeans that before upgrading to this version, you have to change anyconfiguration files where you have used innobase options!

Fixed that mysqlbinlog writes the timestamp value for each query.This ensures that one gets same values for date functions like NOW()when using mysqlbinlog to pipe the queries to another server.

Added --temp-pool option to mysqld. Using this optionwill cause most temporary files created to use a small set of names,rather than a unique name for each new file. This is to work around aproblem in the Linux kernel dealing with creating a bunch of new fileswith different names. With the old behavior, Linux seems to "leak"memory, as it's being allocated to the directory entry cache instead ofthe disk cache.

safe_mysqld, mysql.server, and mysql_install_db havebeen modified to use mysql_print_defaults instead of various hacksto read the my.cnf files. In addition, the handling of variouspaths has been made more consistent with how mysqld handles themby default.

Added new options --pager[=...], --no-pager,--tee=... and --no-tee to the mysql client. Thenew corresponding interactive commands are pager, nopager,tee and notee. See mysql, mysql --helpand the interactive help for more information.

You can now specify interactive-timeout in the option file thatis read by mysql_options(). This makes it possible to forceprograms that run for a long time (like mysqlhotcopy) to use theinteractive_timeout time instead of the wait_timeout time.

Changed sort order for latin1 as it was before MySQL 3.23.23.Any table that was created or modified with 3.23.22 must be repaired if it hasCHAR columns that may contain characters with ASCII values greater than128!

MySQL client mysql now starts with option--no-named-commands (-g) by default. This option can bedisabled with --enable-named-commands (-G). This may causeincompatibility problems in some cases, for example, in SQL scripts thatuse named commands without a semicolon, etc.! Long format commandsstill work from the first line.

Changed behavior of --enable-thread-safe-client sothat both non-threaded (-lmysqlclient) and threaded(-lmysqlclient_r) libraries are built. Users who linkedagainst a threaded -lmysqlclient will need to link against-lmysqlclient_r now.

ANALYZE TABLE will now only update tables that have been changedsince the last ANALYZE TABLE. Note that this is a new feature and tableswill not be marked to be analyzed until they are updated in any way with3.23.23 or newer. For older tables, you have to do CHECK TABLEto update the key distribution.

Fixed a critical bug in myisamchk, where it updated the header inthe index file when one only checked the table. This confused themysqld daemon if it updated the same table at the same time. Nowthe status in the index file is only updated if one uses--update-state. With older myisamchk versions you shoulduse --read-only when only checking tables, if there is theslightest chance that the mysqld server is working on the table at thesame time!

i am trying to install the python mysql-connector for python3.2, i was able to use pip to install it for python2.7 with 'pip install mysql-connector'. To install it for python 3 i believe you have to use the python3 pip instead of the python2 pip, i read that somewhere but im not sure if its correct, does the python3 pip know to get the correct connector or do you have to specify the specific version like 'pip install mysql-connector1.2'.

says to create the virtual environment, activate it and then proceed to pip install whatever package you need. however, when i get as far as pip install it doesnt seem to get the mysql-connector that i need, and running 'pip --version' from inside the virtualenv it tells me that the python2.7 pip is being used.

Over here at PlanetScale, we offer you a MySQL database. As a part of this offering, it is critical that we offer you a MySQL protocol-compatible interface to access. This enables using mysql-client as well as any MySQL-compatible driver for your favorite language.

Three root users are generated by default when you first create a database. The are all created without passwords. At that time, the installation also recommends you set a password by running mysqladmin -u root password, which will change the password for 'root'@'%'.

let me try the innodb-force-recovery method, is it ok if the try bootstraping from the same node which has value 1 for safe_to_bootstrap after putting innodb_recovery value in my.cnf or do we have to try starting only with normal mysql start command for innodb_recovery method ??

The recommended approach to renaming a MySQL database involves creating a backup of the original database using the mysqldump command. Then, create a new database with the desired name and import the data from the backup file into the new database. This ensures data integrity and minimizes the risk of data loss.

Compliance with Python database API version 2.0 [PEP-0249]Thread-safetyThread-friendliness (threads will not block each other)MySQL-3.23 through 5.5 and Python-2.4 through 2.7 are currentlysupported. Python-3.0 will be supported in a future release.PyPy is supported.

The mysqldump client is a backup utility, which can be used to dump a database or a collection of databases for the purpose of a backup or transfer to another database server. The output of mysqldump typically consists of SQL statements to re-create the server table structure, populate it with data, or both. mysqldump can also generate files in other formats, including XML and delimited text formats, such as CSV.

This procedure describes migration from a RHEL 8 version of MySQL 8.0 to a RHEL 9 version of MySQL 8.0 using the mysql_upgrade utility. The mysql_upgrade utility is provided by the mysql-server package.

You can force MySQL to accept spaces after the function name bystarting mysqld with --ansi or using theCLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE to mysql_connect( ), but in this case allfunction names will become reserved words. See Section 1.7.2.

If you are not using MySQL Version 3.23, you have to readthe file inside your application and create an INSERT statementto update the database with the file information. One way to do this, ifyou are using the MySQL++ library, can be found at ++/mysql++-examples.html.

Performs a pattern match of a string expression expr against a patternpat. The pattern can be an extended regular expression. See Appendix F. Returns 1 if expr matches pat, otherwisereturns 0. RLIKE is a synonym for REGEXP, provided formSQL compatibility. Note: because MySQL uses the C escapesyntax in strings (for example, \n), you must double any \ thatyou use in your REGEXP strings. As of MySQL Version 3.23.4,REGEXP is case-insensitive for normal (not binary) strings: 0852c4b9a8

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