Teaching Tips

Before Hour of Code:

  • Preview the tutorials to familiarize yourself with what your students will be creating.
  • Navigate through the website by using the menu at the top or by clicking the red mySci Hour of Code button to go to the next page.
  • Schedule a time for your students to complete the challenge. The challenge was designed to be completed in one hour, but can be adjusted to best suit your class.
  • Determine how your students will be completing the challenge - individually, in pairs, or as a whole class walk-through.
  • The video tutorials require audio. If you plan on having your students work individually, you may want to encourage them to bring headphones on the day of Hour of Code.

During Hour of Code:

  • Introduce the challenge to your students. Direct your students to the mySci Hour of Code website on their devices. You may want to watch the Intro video together and take a moment to answer any questions.
  • Check to see that all of your students followed the link to the starter code on Scratch.
  • Some students may prefer to pause the videos and follow along step-by-step rather than watching the demonstration and then trying to duplicate it for themselves. You may need to show your class how to pause the video and switch back and forth between the Scratch tab and the website.
  • Note that in Tutorials 3 and 4, students will need to use wait blocks. The wait time can be decreased by using decimals instead of whole numbers. Younger students may need assistance in order to adjust the wait time.

After Hour of Code:

  • If students finish early, encourage them to try an additional challenge listed on the What's Next page of the website.
  • Don't forget to share your photos, videos, and screencasts with @wustlisp on social media using the hashtags #HourofCode and #mySci. A few lucky participants could win some prizes for their class!
  • Celebrate your students' achievement by printing certificates from the Hour of Code website.

IMPORTANT NOTE - Students will not be able to save their work unless they create a Scratch account. Students must have an email address in order to create an account on Scratch and parent permission is required for students under the age of 13. If you plan to complete this challenge without having students create accounts, advise your students that they will not be able to save their work.