IMF Country Work

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Fifth Review Under the ECF Arrangement; Staff Report  (December 2023) - Link

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Fourth Review Under the ECF Arrangement; Staff Report (July 2023) - Link

IMF Staff Discussion Notes

"Digitalization During the COVID-19 Crisis: Implications for Productivity and Labor Markets in Advanced Economies", (SDN 2023/003) with Florence Jaumotte and team - Link

"Labor Market Tightness in Advanced Economies", (SDN 2022/01) with Romain Duval and team - Link


October 2022 WEO Box  "Market Power and Inflation during COVID-19 ", with Federico Díez, Longji Li and Carlo Pizzinelli.  - Link

April 2022 WEO Box  "The Puzzle of Tight Labor Markets: US and UK Examples", with Carlo Pizzinelli and Ippei Shibata - Link

IMF Blog Posts and other 

IMF Research Perspectives, May 2024 "New Technologies, Digitalization and AI", Volume 26: Issue 001 - Link

"How Pandemic Accelerated Digital Transformation in Advanced Economies", with Florence Jaumotte, Carlo Pizzinelli and Marina M. Tavares - Link 

"Tight Jobs Market Is a Boon for Workers But Could Add To Inflation Risks", with Romain Duval and Marina M. Tavares - Link 

Bank of England, Quarterly Bulletins , 2021 Q2

"Influences on investment by UK businesses: evidence from the Decision Maker Panel", with Philip Bunn, Lena Anayi, Paul Mizen, Gregory Thwaites and Nicholas Bloom - Link

Bank of England Blog Posts & Articles 

"Update: Which firms and industries have been most affected by Covid-19?", Economic Observatory, May 2021, with Lena Anayi, Nicholas Bloom, Philip Bunn, Paul Mizen, Pawel Smietanka and Gregory Thwaites - Link

In Greek

"Μεταναστευτικές εκροές στην ελληνική οικονομική κρίση: Οι επιπτώσεις στην συνολική ζήτηση και προσφορά", Οικονομικός Ταχυδρόμος, June 2021, with Evgenia Vella - Link