Myrtle Beach Fire Restoration

After suffering the emotional shock of a fire, the last thing one wants to think about is how will this be cleaned up? Duraclean to the rescue, we have the most modern equipment and use cutting edge Myrtle Beach fire restoration techniques to allow the quickest recovery.

Our ability to respond is activated through one central phone number, 1-800-to-cleanup which is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Information receive from the initial phone call immediately sets in motion the number of people, amount of supplies, and quantity and type of equipment necessary for a rapid initial response.

A smoky fire can damage ceilings, walls, carpeting, clothing and other personal possessions. Offices and commercial structures can also suffer the same devastation because our experience tells us smoke can do as much damage as the fire itself.

Type of service, size of equipment, and choice of technique is determined by the surface to be cleaned. Technicians that are trained and proficiency tested respond to a call for serve. Their experience and education are vial tools in scoping the most efficient procedures. By using various methods such as power washing ultrasonic cleaning, ozone and specialized cleaning solutions, our service approach is tailored to your needs.