Old Dominion District 

Unit Leader Communications


see Other Announcements below

New District Leadership

We have new District Leadership!

District Chairman Marjorie McDonald  mm00mjbm@gmail.com or 713-702-2653

District Commissioner Ryan Birkelach ryan.birkelback@gmail.com or 843-830-2142

ODD is Looking for additional Leaders

January 11 (Thu) 7:30pm - ODD Roundtable (all unit leaders should attend)

When: 2nd Thursday of Each Month - No July Meeting

Where: IN-PERSON at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, 8336 Carrleigh Pkwy, West Springfield, VA 22152

Who: All unit leaders (Den Leaders, Assistant Scoutmasters, etc. and those just thinking about it!)

March Breakout Sessions:

Scouts BSA - Click Here to view a summary of Summer Camp Feedback, our topic for the evening

Cub Scouts - TBD


What is a Roundtable?  A monthly opportunity commissioners provide unit leaders with the skill to do and the will to do what is needed to ensure that every member of every unit has a great Scouting experience. Roundtables exist to:

2024 starts with new Roundtable Commissioners for the Old Dominion District

Announcements will be at the end of roundtable and will only be by prior arrangement with Ryan or Pete they will limited to 30 seconds unless approved otherwise.  

Each roundtable will include a Hot Topic and a Safety Moment.  

Come in uniform if you can.  

We will recognize the Pack and Troop with the most participants at roundtable each month.  Could that be your unit?

Join us the second Thursday of each month at 7:30pm at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, 8336 Carrleigh Pkwy in Springfield.

If you or someone you know is interested in the following Leadership Opportunities in ODD please contact Marjorie McDonald at mm00mjbm@gmail.com or Ryan Birkelback at ryan.birkelbach@gmail.com.

You can find a description of these positions at https://www.scouting.org/council-support/job-profile/ 

Chair- Advancement

Chair- Communications 

Vice- Chair of Finance

Popcorn Kernel

Camp Card Coordinator

Vice- Chair Membership

Chair- Nominations

Vice Chair- Program

Fall Camporee Coordinator

Cub Scout Day Camp Coordinator

Aquatics Committee Liaison

Health and Safety Officer

High Adventure Committee Liaison

ODD Sponsored Events & Training

click on event for details

April 6 2024 District Pinewood Derby is coming soon

When: April 6 0800

Where: American Legion Post 176 Springfield, 6520 Amherst Ave Springfield, VA 22150 

Cost & Register: https://scoutingevent.com/082-80240 

Questions: Contact Ryan Rhed Pack 1100 Committee Chair RRhed@paradigmcos.com

Sep TBD -  2024 Scout Fair - Needs your help Recruiting Event (Old Dominion District)

Where: Bealton Flying Circus Aerodrome, 5114 Ritchie Road (Route 644), Bealeton, VA

Stay tuned for details... registration is expected to open mid-September

When: September TBD

Where: TBD

Registration: To volunteer , contact Marjorie McDonald at e: mm00mjbm@gmail.com or c: (713) 702-2653

Who: This event is for Cub Scouts or Scouts BSA youth, parents, Pack leaders or any potential youth interested in joining or finding out more about Scouting. 

Program: Recruiting and sharing Scouting knowledge, skill and practices with potential new Scouts. Focus is on Cub Scout Recruiting. Fun stations will be available to challenge their Scout skills. 

Questions: Contact Marjorie McDonald  at e: mm00mjbm@gmail.com or c: (713) 702-2653

Other Events & Training

click on event for details

April 20, 202 (SAT) Merit Badge Jamboree

Where: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

Stay tuned for details, registration should open mid- March 2024.

Apr-May 2024 - ODD Spring Camp-A-Thon - Earn a Patch!


WHEN:  April-May 2024 

WHERE:  Camp out in your own backyard.  Use your tent or a family tent.  If you do not have a tent, make one outdoors out of a tarp or indoors out of a tarp or blankets.  If you do not have a yard to camp in, camp inside.  Use all of your camping equipment.  While you have it out, check it out, fix anything needing fixing, clean anything needing cleaning, and replace/upgrade if needed.  You may want to wash or clean your sleeping bag (check the label for proper cleaning).  This will also get you ready for spring, summer, and fall camping when you can again camp with your fellow Scouts following COVID safety rules. 

WHAT:  Camp out (or in), cook a meal outdoors, look at the stars and find the north star and identify a constellation, practice the knots that you know and learn a new one, take a hike with a family member, do a little service along the way or in your neighborhood, if your parents permit make a campfire in a safe place (like a backyard fire pit or barrel) and roast some marshmallows (invite your family members), etc.

Patch: To Earn a Camp-a-thon Patch and help your Scout unit earn a ribbon for your flag, by 15 June 2022 the Scout leader sends an email to program@oddbsa.org reporting the number of Scouts and Scouters who camped out in April and May at least two nights and the total number of Scouts and Scouters registered in your unit.  Cost per patch is $2.  Please give a check for such to Adair Petty at June Roundtable.  Patches will be ordered mid-June and provided to the units as soon as they come in.

SAFETY:  In accordance with current BSA Youth Protection Rules: In Cub Scouting, parents and guardians may share a tent with their family.  In Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouting, youth and adults (including parents) must have separate tents. 

Camp-a-Thon Unit Award Ribbons:

Blue Ribbon – 80%-100% of Scouts camp out two nights

Red Ribbon – 60%-79% of Scouts camp out two nights

Yellow Ribbon – Less than 60% of Scouts camp out two nights

Flyer: Click Here to view and download Flyer

QUESTIONS:  Contact Adair Petty, VC Program, ODD, at program@oddbsa.org 

May 9, 2024 (Thur) 7:30pm - District Annual Court of Honor & Program Launch (During Roundtable)

May 10/11, 2024 - Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) (Old Dominion District)

When: May 10/11, 2024

Where: Sep 10: Virtual; Sep 11: Camp William B Snyder, 6100 Antioch Road, Haymarket, VA 20169

Registration: Stay tuned.

Questions: Mike Nostrand, nostrandfamus@aol.com

May 26, 2024 - Tread Lightly! Tread Trainer Course (Virtual)

Stay tuned for details...

May 17/18, 2024 - Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)

When: May 17 & 18, 2024

Where: May 17: Virtual; May 18: Camp William B Snyder, 6100 Antioch Road, Haymarket, VA 20169

Registration: Stay tuned.

Questions: Mike Nostrand, nostrandfamus@aol.com

Jun 24-28, 2024 - Cub Scout Day Camp (Old Dominion and Patriot Districts)

Stay tuned for details...

Jun 24-28, 2024 - Cub Scout Day Camp (Old Dominion and Patriot Districts)

Stay tuned for details...

Jul 29-Aug 3, 2024, National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC)

Who: All OA Members

When: July 29 - August 3, 2024

Where: University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309

For more information: https://oa-bsa.org/program/events/noac

Questions: Contact Jason Huggins at olddominionchapter@wipit470.org

Help Needed - Run a Station! - Sep 16 Cub Scout Fair (Old Dominion District)

Help Needed: Calling all ODD Units, we are looking for Leaders and Scouts to assist in our first annual Cub Scout Fair. We are looking for units to set up a "booth" or table on 16 September from 9:00am to Noon for a recruiting event. We need you to set up a demonstration and are looking for you to share your skills from tent set up to knot tying. If you are available and want to share your Scout skills. 

Sign Up: Please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080845ADA923A5FE3-oddcub

Where: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church , 8304 Old Keene Mill Rd., Springfield, VA 22152

Questions: If you have any questions or recommendations please reach out to Marjorie McDonald at mm00mjbm@gmail.com and Nick West at nwwest@gmail.com

Revised BSA Policies - Parents Camping & Cub Scout Camping - Effective Sep 1, 2023

Effective September 1, 2023, BSA has revised its policies regarding parents camping overnight with Scouts and Cub Scout camping. Please read the entire policy. 

Click Here to view the revised BSA policies

Click Here to view the revised Guide to Safe Scouting

Click Here for a summary of the Cub Scout camping policy

Questions: Contact Keenan Pallone at keenan.pallone@scouting.org 

Friends of Scouting - Investing in Old Dominion's Scouting Future

Dear Old Dominion District Families:

As a Scouting parent, I wanted to send you a personal letter asking you to join me in supporting a quality Scouting program for our young men and women. Please consider an investment in Scouting if you haven't already done so.

We ask that each family consider donating $240, as this is the minimum cost to the Council to provide programs and assistance for each Scout. There is a special edition Council Shoulder Patch for those who contribute $240 or more. Of course, every gift is important and any amount that you can give is gratefully appreciated. Our hope is that 100% of our parents will contribute at any level.

I think you’d agree that Scouting is not only one of the finest youth development programs in the world, but it’s also FUN! The National Capital Area Council, Boy Scouts of America can provide a quality program to our youth because of the support received from Scout parents like you.

The annual Friends of Scouting campaign provides training for our leaders, insurance, program support, and maintenance of our four camping facilities, among many other things. The National Capital Area Council depends on the Friends of Scouting campaign for over 13% of its operating budget. It is essential to the wellbeing of the Scouting program for your Scout.

To help wrap-up our campaign, please make a pledge or contribution online. Thank you in advance for your generous contribution and for everything you and your family do to support local Scouting!

Click Here to give online (preferred method). Please make sure you include "Old Dominion" as your District and also specify your Unit Type and Number (i.e. Pack 1234, Troop 4321, etc.). 

Click Here to download the FOS brochure.

Click Here to download the Old Dominion District pledge form that can be distributed at the unit level for your presentation.

Donate and get Bling (email Ken Davis and let him know which items you need): 

Yours in Scouting, 

Ken Davis, Old Dominion Friends of Scouting Chair

e: daviskenjared@aol.com

Register Rising Kindergarteners as Lions Starting on June 1

June 1st is the magic date when all youth are assumed to be in the next grade. That means the rising kindergarten child may register as a Lion as of June 1st.

Roundtable - Resources for Units

#TroopTalkLive is a monthly live event where experts answer questions about certain topics.

This live event happens the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 2pm Central on Facebook Live and

YouTube. It is a great place to come ask your questions and get answers from the experts.

Tune in at 2 p.m. Central on the Scouting magazine Facebook page or YouTube


#CubChatLive is a weekly live event where experts come answer questions around certain

topics. This live event happens every Friday at 2pm Central on Facebook Live. It’s a great place

to learn about cub scout topics and get answers from the experts.

Join us Fridays at 2 p.m. Central on the Scouting magazine Facebook page or YouTube



New Scouts, now what?

Welcome packets: - Parents - Scouts

Organization: - New scout patrol - Troop guide

Advancement: - Scout, Tenderfoot - First Class - 

Summer camp

Special campout, activity?


Online Registration of New Scouts/Leaders - "How To"

The Boy Scouts of America offers on online application process for youth and adults that can be completed from start to finish without a single piece of paper changing hands. This allows prospective members and leaders to register and pay in a way that’s convenient for them, and it creates a more efficient and user-friendly registration experience for units, districts, and

Click Here for full details. 

National Youth Council 2023-2024 - ODD Scouts Should Apply Now!

The Scouts BSA program is meant to be led by youth and guided by adults. The National Youth Council — a group of youth that will help shape the future of the Scouts BSA program — is an extension of that philosophy.

Click Here for more information

Click Here to apply

Minor Modifications to Scouts BSA Rank Requirements (Full Effect on Jan 1, 2023)

Beginning August 1, 2022, minor modifications to the Scouts BSA requirements for the ranks of Scout through Star will take effect. On January 1, 2023, all Scouts must use only the new requirements.

Click Here for full details. 

To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE to the MyODD mailing list,

send an email to: MyOdd.org@gmail.com

UNIT resource Links

Aug 17 (Thu) 7:30pm - Order of the Arrow (OA) - Chapter Meeting for All OA Members

When: 1st Thursday of each month; 7:30-8:30pm (no meeting in July) 

Where: Kirkwood Presbyterian Church, 8336 Carrleigh Pkwy, West Springfield, VA 22152

Who: All Order of the Arrow members

Website: www.wipit470.org 

Questions: Contact Jason Huggins at olddominionchapter@wipit470.org