About the Founder

Krish Patel

Founder and Developer

Krish Patel is a 17-year-old senior from New Jersey, an educational board game developer for under-served schools and regions, an application developer, an advocate for nutrition and health for teens, and a medical researcher. Krish is the founder of the High School Global Health Certification, a platform to educate students around the world on global health topics and a certificate suitable for framing. He is also the founder and director of TEENHEALTHNOW, a newsletter with an international board of teen STEM writers and an app that promotes a healthy lifestyle for teens through a variety of workout regimes, nutritional interviews, and video recipes focused on a healthier diet. Seeking to pursue a future in medicine and global health, Krish participates in the Help Jamaica Medical Mission, the Help Guyana Medical Mission, and the Help Ahmedabad Medical Mission, and is passionate about creating global health educational material.