Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “Policy”) is made and executed on 9th November 2022 and last updated on 11th November 2022 by Hosachiguru Enterprises Pvt Ltd.

1. Definitions:

1.1 Account – shall mean and include the account created by the Co-Farmer to access the App.

1.2 App - shall mean and include the “MyFarm App” created and made available through Google Play for the purpose of creating an interactive platform for the users to have and get day-to-day updates for their Schedule Property in the respective Projects

1.3 Co-Farmer shall mean and include the User/s of the App who have bought a Farm Plot or intends to buy a Farm Plot from the Projects of the Company.

1.4 Company – shall mean and include Hosachiguru Enterprises Pvt Ltd, it assigns, employees, successor-in-interest or sister concerns

1.5 Farm Plot – shall mean and include individual pieces of agricultural land wherein the Co-Farmer can have/plant specific plantations.

1.6 Information shall mean and include Name, Phone Number, Email IDs, and any other information collected in the due course of usage of the App.

1.7 Projects shall mean and include the Large Schedule Property located in various locations under which parts or whole of the Larger Schedule Property is under sale, or sold to various Co-Farmers

1.8 Schedule Property shall mean and include the specific Farm Plot/s which the Co-Farmer has bought or intends to buy.

1.9 Third Party shall mean any person not a Co-Farmer or the Company.

2. What is the Policy

The Policy means and includes how the Company uses and or discloses the Information of the Co-Farmer and how they intend to utilize the information using Google Analytics and or other such analytics’ platform. The Policy is for the intended use of the App exclusively and is subject to changes.

3. What information is collected from the Co-Farmer?

The Co-Farmer shall initially log-in to the App using their respective Phone Number and Email -Id. Further the Co-Farmer can/shall customize the App to their preference by changing their names, ages and other such fields as available in the App.

4. How do we use your information?

The information provided by the Co-Farmer shall be used in the following ways: - To provide activity reports that are happening in the Schedule Property including not limited to harvest, fertilization, and other such activities related to the plating and maintenance of the Schedule Proeprty.

- To provide booking confirmations to the Co-Farmers in the event of them choosing to buy a Schedule Property.

- To provide any other update/s relating to the Schedule Property, Marketing of the Projects and other such

5. How do we share the information with third party?

The Information provided by the Co-Farmer shall be used exclusively by the Company and there are no Third-Party Disclosure in any way or form.

6. How can the Co-Farmer manage the information?

The Co-Farmer shall have the option of managing the if/any of the booking/s they have made along with controlling what information they share with the Company. The Co-Farmer can also interact on the news feed of the App and choose the plantation preference for their Schedule Property which they own/ intend to buy.

7. How long do we keep your information for?

The Information of the Co-Farmer shall be retained by the Company for as long as the Co-Farmer remains as they remain the owner of the Schedule Property. In the event they choose to opt out of the same, the Co-Farmer shall provide a written intimation to the Company by writing to

8. How does the App work and what does it include?

- The App contains news feeds that provides day-to-day updates live from the Project along with updates including but not limited to Weather, Plantation and its upkeep and other Legal updates necessary for the Co-Framer to know in relation to the Project and in specific to the Schedule Property.

- The App also provides and facilitates for the booking of the Farm Stay -Cottages and allows for the Co-Farmer to utilize the Agro-Farm Tourism Facilities made available to them under the respective definitive agreements.

- The app also provides the updates of the on Ground Activities relating to Plantation in the Schedule Property.

9. Compliance with the Applicable laws.

The Company shall be in compliance with all the necessary applicable laws in existence at the time of this Policy being in effect. The Co-Farmer shall further help the Company and or be in compliance of the Applicable Laws.

10. How will the Co-Farmer know if the policy has changed?

The Co-Farmer shall be made aware of the updated policy via the App every time an update is made to the said Policy