The Cost and Worth of Building a Custom Home in Asheville, North Carolina in 2023

Building a custom home can be a dream come true for many individuals. Designing and constructing a house that perfectly fits your needs and preferences is an exciting endeavor. However, it is essential to consider the cost and worth of hiring asheville custom builders in North Carolina in 2023. This article will provide an in-depth analysis of the expenses involved, including land costs, permits, construction costs, and the overall value of investing in a new home.

Understanding the Average Home Building Cost in North Carolina

Before delving into the specifics of building a custom home in Asheville, it is crucial to understand the average home building cost within North Carolina. The range typically falls between $420,000 - $630,000. However, it is important to note that these figures can fluctuate depending on various factors such as property type, construction area size, and desired customizations.

Factors Affecting Construction Costs

1. Type of Property:

The type of property chosen greatly influences construction costs. Whether you opt for single-family homes or multi-unit buildings will determine how much you spend on materials and labor.

2. Construction Area:

The size of your desired construction area plays a significant role when estimating costs since larger properties require more materials and longer labor hours.

3. Customizations:

Customizations are another key factor determining expenses. The more unique features you desire for your custom home—such as high-end finishes or specialized architectural elements—the higher the cost will be.

Budgeting Land Expenses

In addition to construction expenses themselves are land-related expenses which need careful consideration when hiring asheville custom builders:

1. Location:

Asheville's location within North Carolina affects land prices significantly due to its proximity to amenities such as schools or shopping centers.

2: Size & Accessibility:

Land pricing also depends on factors like size (acreage) and accessibility to utilities, roads, and other necessary infrastructure.

3. Zoning & Permit Costs:

Zoning regulations may influence the cost of land while permit costs encompass various fees associated with obtaining necessary permits for construction.

Time Investment in Building a Custom Home

Hiring asheville custom builders is not just an expensive venture; it also requires a significant time investment. On average, homeowners spend between 9 to 12 months constructing their dream homes. This timeframe includes various stages such as design planning, acquiring permits, construction itself, and final touches.

Considering Buying Vs. Building

Given the substantial cost and time investment involved in building a custom home, many individuals contemplate whether it would be more economical to buy an existing property instead. However, it is important to weigh the benefits of building versus buying:

1. Customization:

Building allows you complete customization control over every aspect of your home—something that may not be readily available when purchasing an existing property.

2: Energy Efficiency:

Newly constructed homes are often more energy-efficient than older ones due to advancements in building materials and techniques.

3: Maintenance:

Older homes may require more maintenance due to wear and tear over time compared to newly constructed properties which usually come with warranties on their components like appliances or roofing systems.

4: Appreciation Potential:

Investing in new construction can lead to higher appreciation potential as opposed to purchasing an older property where market value growth might be slower or stagnant.


In conclusion, hiring asheville custom builders in North Carolina in 2023 comes with both significant costs and potential worth. The expenses involved include land prices based on location and accessibility factors as well as permit costs associated with zoning regulations. Construction costs depend on factors such as property type (single-family vs multi-unit), size of construction area required (acreage), and desired customizations (unique features). Time investment is also crucial since homeowners typically spend between 9-12 months constructing their dream homes. While the decision between building and buying is subjective, considering the benefits of customization, energy efficiency, lower maintenance requirements, and potential appreciation can help individuals make an informed choice. Ultimately, hiring asheville custom builders can be a worthwhile investment for those seeking to create their ideal living space.