What IS My Choice?


Scott Starkweather is the guidance counselor, cross country coach, golf coach, identity training, and founder of My Choice at MOC-FV middle school in Alton, Iowa. He started at MOC in 1992, and enjoys hunting, fishing, playing with his grandkids, and spending time in God's Word. 

Mr. Starkweather

These are images from recent My Choice Gatherings. Dan Swier and the Northwestern Men's soccer team, Nick Koenig, and Lyle Lungren all taught the students about parables.


My Choice began in 1992 as an initiative to get middle-schoolers excited about the idea of owning their faith.  Initially only 4 students attended, but the program grew quickly as more friends and classmates joined each week. Today My Choice serves about 140 students each week!


Middle school


Caring and



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My Choice meets every Thursday morning from 7:00-7:45 A.M. in the old gym at MOC-FV middle school in Alton, Iowa. After it is finished students have enough time to grab breakfast and make it to class on time. 

There are a few fundraising events each year on My Choice mornings to provide financial support for the program:

Additionally, Mr. Starkweather sponsors an annual ski trip for the 8th graders.  He also leads a program called Identity Training thoughout the school year, which takes place during the school day.

Who?  - Some of the annual presenters

Where? MOC-FV Middle School