Privacy Policy

Last updated : April 5 2024

text style app is simple app which is used to generate different fonts for your text and there is list of quotes you can reed.

We care about your privacy and security of your personnel information.

Collecting and using your personal data

we do not collect or share any of your personnel data to any third parties.

Our app uses AdMob by Google for advertising purposes. AdMob is a mobile advertising platform provided by Google. AdMob may collect and process user data for personalized advertising. This data includes but is not limited to the Advertising ID (AAID), device identifiers, IP addresses, and other device-related information.

The data collected by AdMob may be used for the following purposes: 

- Serving personalized ads to users based on their interests and behavior.

 - Analytics and reporting related to ad performance. 

Users have the option to reset their Advertising ID or opt out of personalized ads through their device settings.

Third-Party Partners :

In addition to AdMob, we may allow third-party ad networks or mediation platforms to display ads in our app. These third-party partners may have their own data collection and privacy practices, and we encourage users to review their respective privacy policies.

Consent :

 Depending on the user's location and applicable privacy laws, their consent may be required for certain data collection and ad personalization activities. 

Permission :

"Text Style" needs the internet permission for loading ads, and notification post permission to show one random quote daily as a notification.

Children's Privacy

Our application does not adress any one under the  age of 13 . We do not collect any personnel information from children through our application

Health Policy Statement

No Collection of Health Information

Our mobile application text style does not collect, process, or store any health-related data from its users. We do not gather or use information related to medical conditions, treatments, or other personal health details.

User Data Handling

We are committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of user data. Any information collected by our app is limited to non-personally identifiable data necessary for the app's core functionality, such as user preferences, usage analytics, or device-specific information.

Privacy Compliance

Despite the absence of health-related data collection, we adhere to applicable privacy laws and regulations to protect user privacy and data security. Our app's privacy policy covers all aspects of data handling and user rights.