Metronidazole pills

Metronidazole is a known antibiotic that is used to treat any type of infection. It has always been associated with complications such as dizziness and nausea, diarrhea and headache. It also acts to kill bacteria.

The Latin name for this pill is Metronidazole and is placed in the group of antibiotics called nitroimidazole.

How to take metronidazole pills

The first point in taking this pill is that you should take this medication according to your doctor's opinion and do not arbitrarily reduce it. If you use the syrup, stir well before using it.

When you take this pill never crush it or do not break it down, but take it with a glass of water. This drug, like most medications, should be stored in a cool, dry environment in the dramas.

If you have a vaginal infection, be sure your spouse is taking the pill beside you. If you do not have signs of infection and try to use condoms in your sexual relationship until the infection is completely good.

If you have been tested for any reason, consult your doctor, as taking metronidazole can ruin and change your test results.

When you forget to take it as soon as you remember, take your pill quickly, as long as you are not close to the next time. You can take it with milk.

Almost all of your antibiotic drugs are diarrhea. If you have a very watery diarrhea consult your doctor and do not arbitrarily take diarrhea.

This medication can be taken with meals to help prevent your stomach. It is better to take this pill all day long to multiply its effectiveness. Each 6 hours is a pill and four pills a day.

If you feel that you are well off, do not stop taking the medication because the disease may recur and take all the medicine thoroughly.