Hello i have a quick question and was wondering if anyone was experiencing similar issues and have found a work around. I put together a checklist for our MHE and would like to post a QR code to the Smartsheet around our facility. The issue i am experiencing is one of my columns with a drop down box is not populating on a mobile device through web-view. If possible i do not want to make 100s of employees download Smartsheet just to fill out a digital MHE checklist. All of my other drop downs are working properly besides the "List any Defects" column. For this column i have 16 options for the drop down. Is this too many for a mobile view to handle? If i were to have all our employees install the app would it then work?

I haven't been able to replicate what you're seeing: as long as the column is populated with the dropdown options, they appear for me when I go to edit a row via mobile, on the Mobile App or through a Browser App (I'm on an iOS).

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Okay, so I love my desktop version. Its simple. Its clean. Its easy to navigate. I will likely add more to my homepage eventually, but for now, I like it just the way it is. However, the mobile version, not so much!

1. The image banner. LOVE it on the desktop. But not so much on a mobile version. I have set to stack so it will be the image then the text under it (instead of text over the image like on the desktop version.) I want the background to be white. But the text is white. So when you go on the mobile site, you wont be able to see the text because both the background and text is white. Is there a solution to this?

2. Image with text section. Again, LOVE it on my desktop version. But it looks weird on the mobile version. I want the image to be bigger and I want it to be from one side of the screen to the other side. I dont want any white on the sides of the image. Kinda like the Image Banner. It stretches from one side to the next. Any solution to this?

Hi There! Thank you so much! That worked like a charm. One last question. How do I make the buttons with the image banner black with white text on mobile? Just like earlier, I don't want to change the buttons on the desktop view, only on the mobile view. Thanks so much!

Hello everyone, first of all i dont know where to put this comment because thers no space for adobe portfolio. 

My question, is where in adobe porfolio I can make adjustments in the mobile version, because in my computer everything is fine but when you see the porfolio page in the cell phone the buttons are to big, the images to small and it doesnt have the same nice view as the computer, also the menu i want to change the backwround on mobile version and i dont know where to change that, can someone help me please porfavor porfavor.

You DO NOT make special adjustments for mobile devices. All Adobe Portfolio Themes are responsive to fit mobile, tablet and desktop devices. If you're unhappy with the way your Theme appears on mobile, try a different Theme. There are currently 12 Portfolio Themes to choose from. See links below.

I don't know what "slight adjustments" you want to make, aside from image & text sizes or layout margins. And those will likely effect both mobile and desktop. So to answer your question, no. Portfolio doesn't have special settings for mobile only.

I echo this poster's comments. I want to make edits to the type size for mobile portrait view in the Thomas template. It is NOT responsive. The type is way too small to read in portrait mode, fine in landscape, but who looks at their phone in lasndscape mode?

I wanted to understand if there's an option to add different images for desktop and mobile version? We're creating our email flows and want mobile users to see a different version of our images than desktop users, is there an option to create this? I only see "mobile optimisation" and "image stacking" options.

p.s. We try to not use this because it can cause issues where if more people are working on emails and don't know about different images one of the versions (mobile or desktop) doesn't get changed or seen when crafting new emails based on the same template. Also this adds to the size of the email potentially causing clipping so we always try to find a way without using this.

I have a GPD Pocket running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with Unity and Firefox Quantum. The GPD pocket is a small netbook (7 inch display). For some sites I would therefore prefer seeing on this screen the mobile version of the website (mainly on my work's egroupware server).

While it's not required to have a mobile version of your pages to have your content included in Google's Search results, it is very strongly recommended. These best practices apply to mobile sites in general, and by definition to mobile-first indexing.

If you haven't already, create a mobile-friendly website so your users visiting your site through a mobile phone can have a stellar experience. There are three configurations you can choose from to create a mobile-friendly site:

The contents of this guide only apply to dynamic serving and separate URL configurations. In case of responsive design, the content and the metadata are the same on the mobile and desktop version of the pages.

Even with the equivalent content, differences in DOM or layout between desktop and mobile page can result in Google understanding the content differently. However having the same content on the desktop and mobile version ensures that the two versions can rank for the same keywords.

Don't let ads harm your mobile page ranking. Follow the Better Ads Standard when displaying ads on mobile devices. For example, ads at the top of the page can take up too much room on a mobile device, which is a bad user experience

Check hreflang links on separate URLs. When you use rel=hreflang link elements for internationalization, link between mobile and desktop URLs separately. Your mobile URLs' hreflang must point to mobile URLs, and similarly desktop URL hreflang must point to desktop URLs.

 Use the correct rel=canonical and rel=alternate link elements  between your mobile and desktop versions. The desktop URL is always the canonical, and the mobile version is the alternate of that URL.

In this example, the desktop site URL is and includes a link element that points to itself as the canonical URL, followed by another link element that points to the mobile version as the alternate version of this URL.

Here's a list of the most common errors that can stop sites from being enabled for mobile-first indexing or could cause a drop in ranking after a site is enabled for mobile-first indexing. If your site isn't enabled for mobile-first indexing yet, you've seen a drop in ranking after your site is enabled for mobile-first indexing, or you've received a message in Search Console, check the following list of common errors and resolve possible errors you may have:

done Fix the issue: Use the same robots meta tags on the mobile site and the desktop site. Don't use the noindex tag on the mobile page (otherwise, Google won't index your page when your site is enabled for mobile-first indexing).

done Fix the issue: Let Google crawl your resources. Some images have different URLs on the mobile site from those on the desktop site. If you want Google to crawl your URLs, don't block the URL with the disallow rule.

done Fix the issue: Provide high quality images. Don't use images that are too small or have a low resolution on the mobile site. Missing alt text error What caused the issue: An important image on the mobile page is missing alt text. done Fix the issue: Use the same alt text for images on your mobile site as you do on your desktop site. Missing page title error What caused the issue: A mobile page is missing a title. done Fix the issue: Make sure that the titles and meta descriptions are equivalent across both versions of your site.

done Fix the issue: Make sure error page status is the same across desktop and mobile site. If a page on your desktop site serves normal contents and your mobile site's version of that page serves an error page, this page will be missing from the index. Mobile URL has anchor fragment error What caused the issue: The mobile URL includes an anchor fragment; Google can't index URLs that include fragments. done Fix the issue: Make sure your mobile version doesn't have fragment URLs. Most of the time, fragment URLs are not indexable, and these pages will be missing from the index after your domain is enabled for mobile-first indexing.

done Fix the issue: Verify that your robots.txt rules and robots meta tags work as you intended for both versions of your site. Use the same robots.txt rules for both mobile and desktop versions of your site.

done Fix the issue: Ensure desktop versions which serve different contents have equivalent mobile versions. If different URLs redirects to the same URL, on mobile devices, after your domain is enabled for mobile-first indexing, all these pages will be missing from the index.

done Fix the issue: Ensure the desktop version has an equivalent mobile version. If different URLs redirect to the home page on mobile devices, all these pages will be missing from the index after your domain is migrated for mobile-first indexing.

I have a bit of a problem with my new website layout (which is still only a test version so far). For some strange reason my phone number and KVK number (Dutch chamber of commerce registration number) are not shown on the mobile version of my new site, while they are visible as they should on a desktop?!

Some 2FA solutions like Duo integrate seamlessly right out of the box. After setup is complete, the user will be asked to confirm their identity at every login by use of their 2FA mobile app. That means that when the end user logs onto Microsoft Outlook, their device that the 2FA app is installed on will now prompt them to verify their identity before granting them access to their emails. 17dc91bb1f

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