My vampire boyfriend is Spike; our editor's is Lestat (but only the book version), and the co-owner of one of our LYSs is all about Edward. My test knitter professes an odd fondness for Nosferatu, and the other Knitty tech editor crushes on David Bowie's character in The Hunger. Not forgetting Angel and Bill, of course - there are plenty of sexy vampires to go around.

Kate is Knitty's technical editor for socks. She loves a good vampirestory almost as much as she loves sock knitting. (Ask her aboutSpike and Angel as an allegory for the Lennon-McCartney relationship...)

My Vampire Boyfriend


Chu Lian Han (Cu Cu) is a college freshman who meets the enigmatic brothers of the Situ Family but she realizes that they are actually vampires who might have something to do with the mysterious disappearance of her father. Edit Translation

Play as a vampire or a mortal in this one-page RPG and get in too much trouble as you freewheel through relationships and betrayals. Inspired by the rules behind Belonging Outside Belonging, SAD VAMPIRE BOYFRIEND is designed to be played over two or three linked sessions of play.

Rounding off our Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Two blogs is Michelle Mastro discussing Angel/Angelus and the problematic vampire boyfriend. And as always, if you have any comments or want to share the posts, use the hashtag #BuffySlays20. 

It's no great secret that literature is full of monster boyfriends. We've seen zombie boyfriends and demon boyfriends and that perpetual runner-up, the werewolf boyfriend. But anyone who's ever wandered through the paranormal romance section of their local bookstore can tell you that vampire boyfriends still rule the genre with a pale, well-manicured fist. But what makes a vampire date-able? Out of all the great vampire boyfriends of literature, who comes out on top? Lucky for you, I am a vampire scientist, and I am here to share my findings with this completely objective, not at all made up ranking of the greatest literary vampire boyfriends ever to rise from the dead.

There are, of course, many wonderful vampire girlfriends in literature as well. But this is a list about objectifying men. Besides, I will argue that the appeal of the vampire boyfriend is slightly different than the appeal of the vampire girlfriend: the gentleman vampire is usually a dandy of some sort. He's not just dangerous, he's dangerous and well groomed. He's rarely hyper-masculine. He's just as likely to sigh and talk to you about the heyday of classical music as bite you. He's an evil, well-mannered, aristocratic man who has the capacity to kill you, but would rather show you all his nice scarves (except for the couple of occasions when he totally does try to kill you). So if that sounds like your ideal date night, here are some of the sexiest (and least sexy) vampires out there:

NO. Terrible Vampire Boyfriend, zero stars. Kurt Barlow is from 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King, who clearly knows nothing about vampire sex appeal. All Kurt does is eat children and attack priests and go around terrorizing a small town in Maine. He's not suave or brooding at all, and he clearly has bad dental hygiene. He might be a good villain, but you know he's going to bring up religion on the first date.

Varney from Varney the Vampire... has his moments. He introduced fangs to the vampire mythos, which is very sexy. He also hates his cursed condition, which makes for some excellent brooding. But he's not especially good at being a vampire, and most of his long (over 667,000 words) and confused story stars him botching various vampire attacks before he eventually throws himself in a volcano. He will definitely spill his soup on you, and then try to bite your neck while you're cleaning it up.

As far as literature goes, Lord Ruthven is the original vampire. He pre-dates Varney and Dracula. And honestly, he's pretty suave: a handsome, mysterious British nobleman who sweeps girls off their feet... and then murders them. That is the one thing about Ruthven, he does murder every single one of his girlfriends (murder-murder, instead of turning them into vampires). So... you know, a solid choice, unless being murdered on your wedding night is a real deal-breaker.

The man himself. Dracula is THE vampire. He's rich, creepy, cordial, and he's got that accent. He lives in a big foggy castle. He can also do all the cool vampire things, like hypnosis and ordering bats around. But you know he's going to get mobbed with groupies on any date in a public place, and Renfield's going to want to third wheel. Plus, Dracula does also seem inclined to attack his vampire girlfriends (servants?) if they step out of line. So that's not great.

The Vampire Diaries is all about a girl named Elena who dates not one but two vampire brothers. I know that she's usually dating Stefan or Damon, and not both at once, but I submit to you that the two combine to make one extremely decent, brooding Vampire Boyfriend. They are basically total opposites, but also somehow both of them are the Dark and Troubled one (I guess Stefan is supposed to be nicer and Damon is supposed to be withholding and therefore Hotter?).

Look, many a hot take has been written about Edward Cullen from Twilight. Is he a good boyfriend? No, he's controlling and manipulative. Please do not date anyone who behaves like Edward (or any vampire, really) in real life. But as far as Vampire Boyfriends go, he is extremely moody, withholding, and sparkly, which is all very good. He's also devastatingly romantic, if a little preachy. He'll help you with your college applications and send you texts about snails.

In terms of actual boyfriend-ship, Dimitri from the Vampire Academy books is probably the best one out there. He's noble, hot, compassionate, a vampire, romantic, moody, intense, and he has an accent. Sure, gets attacked by some of the Bad Vampires and briefly becomes evil, but then he gets better and goes back to being Rose's perfect Vampire Boyfriend.

The Brat Prince himself, Lestat is the anti-hero (and sometimes the straight up hero) of Anne Rice's vampire books, and he is a beautiful mess. I mean, sure, he's a little evil and a little lascivious and more than a little moody. But at the end of the day, the Vampire Boyfriend fantasy is not about finding the perfect, trustworthy man. It's about making out with a charismatic vampire prince and his various other lovers on a vintage French daybed, and then running around New Orleans until one of you has an existential freak out. And that's what the vampire Lestat is all about.

number 6th and the 10th one is really interesting.

 so then if you had a boyfriend vampire then the cuddling would be the not so great thing then.. im pretty sure as long as you wear maybe warm clothings it would not matter would it not?

Reviewed by:  The Outcasts  April Spisak   Matthews, L. S. The Outcasts. Delacorte, 2007259p Library ed. ISBN 978-0-385-90382-0$18.99 Trade ed. ISBN 978-0-385-73367-0$15.99 Ad Gr. 7-9 In this graphic-novel adaptation of Schreiber's Vampire Kisses series (Vampire Kisses, BCCB 10/03) series, the relationship between Raven, goth outsider at Dullsville High, and Alexander, her gorgeous vampire boyfriend, is explored further. Here the couple's late-night graveyard dates are interrupted by Alexander's cousin and his friends, who seek vials of blood that will turn them full vampire, erasing their half-mortal weaknesses. Alexander is determined to keep them from the vials, knowing that the teens' lack of ethics or responsibility will result in them being deadly, vicious vampires, living the antithesis of his own moderated lifestyle. Setting up for future volumes, the book doesn't let the teens find the vials yet, but they do establish themselves as transfer students in Raven's school, and with Alexander inaccessible all day, Raven quickly finds herself (and her nave best friend) in grave danger. The plot is streamlined to the extent that readers who are not already familiar with the series will likely find themselves confused and frustrated by the plot holes and lack of character development. In addition, fans coming for the manga may feel cheated by the extensive behind-the-scenes exploration into the shift from novel to graphic format and the addition of a print chapter from the fourth novel in the series. The primary audience seems to be fans who are interested in revisiting these characters in a new format, and the dramatic gray, black, and white manga-style illustrations do add new life to the characters and setting. Even with a scant plot, the hunky vampires, an immaculately dressed goth protagonist, and the thrill of forbidden love may still draw in readers who can't get enough of undead romances.

New Moon star Kristen Stewart sure loves her vampire boyfriend Edward Cullen, but now she also loves rock n' roll. Here's the teaser trailer for the biopic about the Runaways co-starring another Twilight newbie Dakota Fanning.

Even Twi-hards might admit that the first two movies in their beloved franchise suffered from a deficiency of propulsive storytelling - the kind that big-screen blockbusters need the way vampires require the red stuff.

Much of the time spent with human Bella (Kristen Stewart) and undead boyfriend Edward (Robert Pattinson) in Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon was of the pensive, brooding variety. Her shape-shifting and oft-shirtless buddy Jacob (Taylor Lautner), meanwhile, also did more pining than provoking.

The dilemma is hardly a new one in books and movies featuring vampires, but returning screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg injects Bella's quandary with enough gravity to make the second sequel play as a bit more weighty then its predecessors.

Rosenberg also has more fun with the genre conventions than she did in her two previous Twilight scripts, as with a sequence in which a freezing Bella requires the body heat of wolf-boy Jacob - something that her frustrated vampire boyfriend can't possibly provide.

I now run The Supernatural Dating Agency, a discreet section of Withernsea's finest matchmaking service. Yeah, I'll do all the work while Shelley makes babies with her gorgeous vampire husband. It's not like I've anything better to do anyway.... ff782bc1db

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