I've been keeping a diary since June and I've been kind of scared to mention too much about my working life in there because of HIPAA, but there are just so many things that I think I'd benefit from writing down in detail so I don't forget them later. I'd also want to use names so that if, god forbid, I ever had to go to court I could look up the day in my diary and use that to jog my memory. I can write things in my diary that I can't write in the notes, if you know what I mean.

But at the same time I think that it might be a huge HIPAA violation for me to have a book with tons of people's medical information and outcomes in my possession. What if this book was ever found? Could I get in trouble for it? Or would my right to privacy to keep a journal of my own personal experiences that I was directly involved in supersede somebody else's write to medical privacy?

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I keep a personal diary, and rarely does work stuff make it in there. If it does, first names, or nick-names only. I would certainly not use full names. If you have a law suit, you have your charting to jog your memory.

To me I really don't see how keeping a personal journal is any different than writing a book about strange patient diagnoses or just patient stories in general. I read a lot of books regarding those topics and they always have a disclaimer that all names have been changed in order to protect the patient.

As far as keeping a diary, it would only become a problem if you showed it to someone else. Sooooooo, if you want to keep a personal diary with specific information in it, you need to be certain there is no way it will fall into someone else's hands during your lifetime. Just remember, nothing is as secure as you think. Just ask our state department.

However, I will say that I once was deposed for court when a patient sued my hospital after falling and the hospital attorney did ask me if I kept a journal or diary where I would have written any information about the incident. He also asked if I had told anyone outside of work details about it and that if I had, they could be questioned about what I'd told them. At the time, I was able to truthfully answer no regarding the journal, but if I had I'm not sure what the impact would have been if I'd had one. I do know that the hospital forbade me from looking at the incident report from the fall as it wasn't part of the patient's chart and the attorney said if I viewed it they would have to turn it over to the patient's attorney as well. I would hope they couldn't force me to turn over a private journal but I don't know what the law actually says about it.

This is an interesting topic! In a legal lab, we WERE advised by a nurse-turned-attorney to keep a personal journal. In it, we could write down details of any event that may in the future cause problems. If deposed, we could better jog our memory about details that were not included in the patient record ... timelines, circumstances, conversations held, etc.

Start the project by creating your project directory and setting up a virtual environment. This setup will keep your code isolated from any other projects on your machine. You can name your project folder and the virtual environment any way you want. In this tutorial, the project folder is named my-diary, and the virtual environment is named .venv:

Django is shipped with support for multiple databases and works with an SQLite database by default if no other database configurations are provided. An SQLite database is all you need because you are the only user that connects to it, and your Django diary project will only run locally.

The entries app is plugged into the diary project now, and Django finds its configurations. One of these configurations is the model that describes how your diary entries should look in the database.

The fields of the Entry model are the elements that a diary entry will have. In the front, those fields will be displayed as a form. In the back, they will be the columns of your Entry database table. A diary entry in this tutorial contains three fields:

In addition to title, content, and date_created, Django will automatically add id as a unique primary key. The string representation of an entry with the primary key 1 would be Entry object (1) by default. When you add .__str__(), you can customize what is shown instead. For a diary entry, the title is a better string representation.

Currently, there are no entries listed. Finish this step by creating at least one entry to your diary by clicking Add Entry. Not sure what to write? Maybe reflect on how awesome it is that you have a fully functional back end for your Django diary project!

To see the templates in action, you need to connect your views to URLs. Django works with a urls.py file to dispatch the incoming requests from users in the browser. A file like this already exists in the diary project folder. For the entries app, you must create it first at entries/urls.py and add the paths to EntryListView and EntryDetailView:

While your writing is creative, the design of the diary is currently a bit basic. You can start spicing things up by creating a base template at entries/templates/entries/base.html with this content:

Both templates inherit the HTML structure and styling from their parent template. They share the same title and headline, plus the styling provided by diary.css. To see this in action, start your Django development server and go to :8000:

Now you can create, update, and delete entries for your diary directly in the front end. Start the development web server and visit :8000/create to test it. If you want to compare your code with the one from this tutorial, then click the link below:

Messages are stored in the message storage. By looping through it, you show all messages that are currently in the message storage. In Django templates, you accomplish this by using the messages template tag. The way you built the diary and structured the templates, you only need to add it to entries/base.html:

The diary you built is fully functional and ready to use. But it is also an excellent foundation to build upon. Maybe you already have some ideas as to how you can improve your diary even more. Or you can try out one of the ideas below:

My problem with random Mobile apps is that I just don't trust putting my personal thoughts in some unknown server. I also fear my phone or computer getting hacked and having my personal diary stolen and possibly used against me somehow. (I know its a low chance but it still can happen and I don't want to be paranoid which would cause me to change up my writing or self censor myself.)

Many years ago, before YouTube vlogs were a thing, people seemed to be in love with personal blogs. At that time, I was writing on my own personal blog and it was relatively easy to find others who would just write about their day or whatever was going on in their mind and heart, without obsessing over how can they attract more visitors and make money off of it I believe there are still people who write like that, but in a world where all social media platforms promote sensationalism and shailowness, I don't know where to find those kind of blogs anymore. Google search doesn't help at all. Does anybody else feel the same? ?

I will start some kind of personal diary (or daily journal?) in toki pona to exercise my writing (especially sitelen pona), and I think it would be cool to add the date to it and also customize the glyphs.

A diary is a written or audiovisual memorabilic record, with discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or other period. Diaries have traditionally been handwritten but are now also often digital. A personal diary may include a person's experiences, thoughts, and/or feelings, excluding comments on current events outside the writer's direct experience. Someone who keeps a diary is known as a diarist. Diaries undertaken for institutional purposes play a role in many aspects of human civilization, including government records (e.g. Hansard), business ledgers, and military records. In British English, the word may also denote a preprinted journal format.

Today the term is generally employed for personal diaries, normally intended to remain private or to have a limited circulation amongst friends or relatives. The word "journal" may be sometimes used for "diary," but generally a diary has (or intends to have) daily entries (from the Latin word for 'day'), whereas journal-writing can be less frequent.

Although a diary may provide information for a memoir, autobiography or biography, it is generally written not with the intention of being published as it stands, but for the author's own use. In recent years, however, there is internal evidence in some diaries (e.g. those of Ned Rorem, Alan Clark, Tony Benn or Simon Gray) that they are written with eventual publication in mind, with the intention of self-vindication (pre- or posthumous), or simply for profit.

The word 'diary' comes from the Latin diarium ("daily allowance," from dies, "day").[1] The word 'journal' comes from the same root (diurnus, "of the day") through the Old French jurnal (the modern French for 'day' being jour).[2]

The earliest known book resembling a diary is the Diary of Merer, an ancient Egyptian logbook whose author described the transportation of limestone from Tura to Giza, likely to clad the outside of the Great Pyramid. The oldest extant diaries come from Middle Eastern and East Asian cultures, although the even earlier work To Myself (  ), today known as the Meditations, written in Greek by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in the second half of the 2nd century AD, already displays many characteristics of a diary. Pillowbooks of Japanese court ladies and Asian travel journals offer some aspects of this genre of writing, although they rarely consist exclusively of diurnal records. ff782bc1db

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