
Week 6

Project conception and choosing relevant APIs and SDKs. 

Week 7

11/15 - App initiates Spotify login authorization and returns an access token.

Week 8

Progress blocked a bit due to not being able to fetch desired information from web API, figuring out issue. 

Week 9

Successfully able to gather information about top songs and top artists. Made code neater and starting to work on rating features and plotting features of the application. 

Week 10

Integrated Firebase API to handle data and an api call to Spotify to see songs that user is currently playing. User can pause, skip, or go back to previous tracks, user is able to access top songs from long to short term and can choose how many songs they want to grab from the Spotify API. The rating feature has also been completed and users can rate and then sort their favorite songs. If ratings are the same, the songs will automatically be sorted in alphabetical order.  We have also implemented a way for users to queue up their favorites songs and see their most listened to genres via google charts. We added options to listen to snippets of songs and included artist profiles and song album covers to our app.