But for those that dismiss that part, there's also Ujiko's line to Shigaraki in Chapter 240. He specifically tells Shigaraki to bring him... "something." Now, you can go through every single chapter, page, panel, and dialogue box in the remainder of the manga. Nothing will connect to this line. What does connect to this line, however, is Heroes Rising. The opening minutes of the movie sees the League transport Nine's body. However, the heroes stop them. Later in the movie, the League is wondering what the cargo was. Shigaraki specifically tells them that Doctor Ujiko said that they didn't need to know. This obviously means that Ujiko knew about the cargo and thus sent them on the mission.

The other line comes from Nezu in Chapter 242. On the bottom right, you can see him begin to talk to Aizawa about some "other program" from the Hero Commission. Like with the Chapter 240 line, you can go through every chapter and not find anything to connect to this. The only other thing that it may connect to is the Team-Up Missions spin-off manga. If that was the intention of the line, then the line can be ignored in relation to Heroes Rising. However, I find it more likely that it, instead, connects to the Hero Work Recommendation Project. A month before the movie's events, we see Mera meet with Nezu and All Might to talk about the Hero Work Recommendation Project. The entire program sends students with Provisional Licenses to places without heroes. It was created by the Hero Commission, thus connecting it with that line.

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Starting with the easiest to explain is Twice. At the start of the movie, Dabi, Mr. Compress, and Spinner transfer Nine only to be stopped by the heroes. We see that the three were actually doubles from Twice. So, where do people have an issue? Well, it's because Twice can only make two doubles. Up until the Meta Liberation Army arc, he never made a double of himself. So, when people believe that Heroes Rising takes place between Seasons 4 and 5, they believe that Twice's use of three doubles makes it non-canon. However, this is simply explained by the correct timeline placement. As Heroes Rising is set after the Meta Liberation Army arc, Twice can make a double of, say, Dabi and one of himself. That other double then makes a double of Mr. Compress and Spinner. Thus, there's no issue with Twice.

I am trying to find heroes rising but it is not avalible anywhere apparently. I found it on youtube but it only had the english dub. I want to watch the original japanese version. I am not able to rent it or buy from amazon as i am not in America. So i would be grateful if anyone know where i might find it. Thanks in advance.

BNHA is the best anime ever. I love it to absolute pieces. It's fun and full of action, but that action has substance. Every fight is meaningful, and we care about every character. The villains have their own ideologies, not all heroes are as shiny as they seem- it's beautifully nuanced. Flashy and fun enough for a young audience, but mature and philosophical enough to captivate an adult like myself. I have never once been bored through any experience of this amazing series. Until now.

I followed Season 4 almost religiously as it released, and it was transcendent- a distillation of the nuance packaged in fun that I love this series for. Even controversial portions of the story, like Gentle Criminal's arc, I still adored because it wasn't just about stopping a prankster from crashing a culture festival, it was about Deku protecting the tenuous peace- after everyone had been through absolute hell, this culture festival was so much more than a school activity, it was representative of the heroes' fight to preserve the peace right after losing the symbol of said peace. During the previous arc, the question of what it meant to really be a hero was asked many times, with Mirio embodying the ideal paragon that Deku aspires to be. The kind of hero who would put every last thing on the line to save one crying girl. Yes, Overhaul had been defeated, but Eri still had yet to smile, and Gentle was putting that at risk. The stakes seem so small, but because we care about these characters, it means so much more- this is how you do a superhero story well. Don't continuously raise the stakes by putting the world at risk and all that- all you have to do is make the audience care. I will unrepentantly defend the Hero Too song as the single best 4 minutes of the entire anime, which I have watched more than 30 times now and I still cry every single time. This is a brilliant series done well.

The peace is disrupted on this peaceful island, villains attack, causing wanton chaos, and the heroes barely make it out to lick their wounds- classic story writing, A+. A big character moment happens for the young lad they're fighting so hard to protect, the troops are inspired, and they formulate a plan to take them down. The plan goes off flawlessly, dividing the enemy as each team works in perfect coordination, each with their own function and part to play in bringing the villains down. I live for this stuff, absolutely stunning. Bringing the fight to a cave so Dark Shadow can let loose? Brilliant. Using Tsuyu's venom to take down a tough opponent? Amazing. Sero and Uraraka raining absolute hell down on Nine to whittle down his stamina? Perfection. Then, when they're at the end of their rope, in come Deku and Bakugo, our main characters to finish the job. So far, so good.

Well, mostly. At this point there's already a problem: Chimera. After his first fight I already found myself wondering if he could beat Endeavor, and the second battle erased any lingering doubt: if this guy were a hero, he would be #1 by a mile. And that isn't a good thing. He's getting the beatdown from FIVE heroes- young, but already well seasoned- going all-out and using specific strategies to bring him down, and the fight doesn't end until every single last one of the heroes is unconscious, taken out by Todoroki's icy equivalent of Prominence Burn. This guy is way too strong for the worldbuilding that's been set up so far. There is no way that any hero could function as a solo act if this guy is in any way indicative of the power of some of the villains out there. Nomu make sense, since they're scientifically created to be hero-killers, but this is just some random schmuck who hates the world because his quirk made him ugly- a quirk that might as well be four separate quirks, I might add. Powerful villains are fine, but this guy is almost as scary as All For One, and this is exactly the kind of constant raising of the stakes that I mentioned earlier. I can't speak for everyone, but this really strains my belief in the world that's been crafted so far. Stick this guy next to Overhaul- a villain I already felt overstayed his welcome one battle phase too many- and see what I'm talking about. Overhaul was incredibly powerful, but even still, he needed to rely on his minions and on dirty tactics to fight one hero. Contrast him with this guy whose power is basically just to be stronger than all the heroes, and you can see why I'm far from enchanted with this guy.

But let's get to the main problem. Nine. The fight against Nine is fantastic, for about the first 10-15 minutes. He hits his limit, and pushes past them out of desperation, and the heroes tap into their deepest reserves to take him down- classic, great final battle stuff. Using Kaminari to catch his lightning was a stroke of absolute brilliance. But then he just... keeps going. Forget everything that was set up before, about him overtaxing himself, about the strategies to wear him down, about everyone's sacrifice to whittle his power down so the heroes could beat him for good. No, once he gets to the point he should be dead... he gets stronger. A lot stronger. And sure, in moderation, this is a common trope- a final, suicidal ditch-effort. But the levels of power he displays here are completely immersion-breaking. He would nearly pass out after one blast of lightning, and now he's transformed into a lightning tornado that's so powerful that a 100% punch from Deku combined with Bakugo's most powerful explosion just get tossed aside like they're nothing. Two questions: first, why the hell didn't he just lead with that, since it apparently isn't even close to being enough to kill him? And second, what was the point about giving him a weakness if it ultimately means nothing? His cellular degradation ultimately serves no function at all, except to give the heroes someone to protect. Shigaraki ends up being the one who kills him in the end, it isn't even the cellular thing that gets him. That central plot point ultimately served no function whatsoever.

Nine beginning his theft of hero quirks has to be early in the week, since the Hero Public Safety Commission states that Nine's attacks against the heroes has been "continuous" and has happened "since last week". That means that most of the attacks happened the previous week. Nine could have stolen multiple quirks in a single day, but at least two attacks had to happen the week prior to Mr. Shimano being attacked. The earliest possible date for Mr. Shimano's attack is December 19, as it's the start of a new week and the only Sunday that doesn't overlap with either the "My Villain Academia" arc or the Christmas Eve party.

For manga readers, the movie occurs during Chapter 257. That chapter goes from Deku and Bakugo learning about the other quirks in One For All all the way to the day the heroes disappeared from the streets. The movie is set just before the end of Page 16. 2351a5e196

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