hello people

can we hit 24,147 views and 100 subs?

hi im rtr

im going to update the website

so im going to just update it now

this is the next update

i learned to code starting in scratch

and i started with a tutorial on how to move charictars

and so i started with a cartoon network game for 4 players

the main charictars were finn steven ummm thats all i remember

but i wanted to show the world my scratch game so i tryed to but i didnt have a email so a 3 or 4 years later

i made an email so i instantly went to scratch but i had to make a new account so i did and that nerly brings us to now

i found a book in the library that teaches about html coding so i wrote the important code in my notebook and when i got home i downladed notepad++ on my laptop and started coding

uhhh amogus?

oh if u see this this is the next update