E-Security Rules / E-Güvenlik Kuralları

Some of the rules that all eTwinners must follow


1. eTwinning cannot be used for commercial purposes.

The use of the platform for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Any company, entrepreneur, event or commercial software will be removed and denied access to the platform.

2. There is no direct threat, bullying or harassment.

eTwinning does not tolerate cyberbullying and harassment. If you are a victim of cyberbullying or if someone threatens you while using one of the eTwinning areas (public and private areas), please report it by sending a message or contact your National Support Organization. Anyone who cyberbullies or harasses other members of the platform can be permanently banned from eTwinning.

3. Intellectual property

Ensure that the content you upload to the platform does not violate any copyrights. Before sharing any images, videos, documents or other resources; please make sure you have the right to do this. The eTwinning platform cannot host videos – you must first upload your video to YouTube, DailyMotion or Vimeo and paste the relevant link on eTwinning. Don't forget to check out their copyright policies, too.

4. Identity theft

eTwinners may not impersonate other persons or groups/organizations that they do not represent in a way that is intended to deceive, confuse or defraud others.

5. Students (juniors)

eTwinning takes students' privacy and security seriously. Avoid posting pictures of students on your eTwinning Live profile, TwinSpace, Groups etc. Where you need to post, make sure you get parental permission and that students are not recognizable.

6. Private information and Sensitive data

Be careful when posting content that interests others. You must not share personal information such as personal phone numbers and addresses, credit card information or other private information, or other users' personal information or private photos and videos. Always think before posting!


NOTE: The e-Twining e-security rules site has been used.