I activated the local access and copied some folders and files in preparation of discontinued support - test. Those are not visible via the web and not visible via Android app. They are only visible trough local access. In addition there are files that I uploaded using WD Discovery integration to Windows Explorer when I was on an other local network connected via internet to the home network. They are there but I cannot see them at all.

Notice below, this Win10 laptop client is on via a Wifi hotspot but is able to use Win File Manager to access remote routing from the My Cloud Home which is on 192.168.1.xx on a different subnet and ISP, copying >100 files in a folder from the MCH. This is made possible by advertising a Tailscale Subnet Router in software from the 192.168.1.xx subnet. Instruction setup in Post 12 below.

My Cloud Home Download Folders

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I activated the local access and copied some folders and files in preparation of discontinued support - test. Those are not visible via the web and not visible via Android app. They are only visible trough local access.

What is happening is that indexing the MCH is a slow process and changing file permission on a lot of files and folder is also a slow process. The files can be updated nearly in real time in the SMB and the Debian files system on the MCH, but updating that information to the webapp will take some time.

I've been setting up assignments for my large class using RStudio Cloud with success for some time now. The rmd of questions and data files are distributed to students this way. However, since Mar 21 evening, assignments have been opening into the 'Home > R' directory for contributors instead of 'Cloud > project' so none of their assignment files are available to the students. There doesn't seem to be a way to navigate to 'Cloud>project' from the 'Home>R' directory either (we can't see other folders in Home and the R folder just contains package files). In the meantime, I posted the files for students outside RStudio Cloud so students could upload them. However, students who started the assignment and made progress on their assignments in 'Cloud>project' before Mar 21, have been automatically switched over to the R directory today and therefore lost all their work. All assignments in our class workspace ( ) are now opening in the R directory. Please help! We have some stressed out students at this difficult time as we all move online. Thanks.

Similar problem here [except we don't have a shared workspace, I just list it via the link and made it pubic). Except for me and my students [opens up in a weird R directory with no path back to cloud). I've lost the files for my own class.

Sorry to hear about this frustrating issue, I've forwarded this to the engineering team for investigation. In the meantime, as a workaround you can click the "go to directory" button in the file navigator (displays as "..." and appears on the far right of where the current directory is displayed) and manually navigate to /cloud/project


I have been using Infuse for quite a time now. It has always been connected to my Myhome cloud duo and everything worked fine, but since a few days all my folders are gone. They are still in my cloud, but infuse does only show two folders without movies. Those folders do not exist anymore, but infuse shows only them instead of the folders that are really on my drive.

Can anyone help.

Tank you.

I managed to access the public folder, which is not shown in my WD App, through my Mac.

Now everything works fine again.

But I am really considering just to use my Mycloud as a back up storage and to give Synology a try.

Western Digital has given me to many headaches during the last 2 years.

I kept mine in the primary storage loop for a while after getting my Synology NAS and after several months of flawless use of the Synology I took the WD out of the primary server position and just use it now as some double back up and mostly testing files.

I received an email from Google Cloud Shell regarding the schedule for deleting the Google Cloud Shell home directory because it has been inactive for a long time, even though I don't have a console account or even use google Cloud Shell, I'm afraid someone is sneaking can you help?

It sounds like you may have received a phishing email. If you do not have a Google Cloud Shell account, then it is likely that the email you received is not legitimate. I would recommend ignoring the email and not clicking on any links or providing any information. If you are concerned that your email account may have been compromised, you can change your password and enable two-factor authentication to help protect your account. It's also a good idea to be cautious when receiving unexpected emails and to avoid clicking on links or providing personal information unless you are certain the email is legitimate.

What if I click on the blue button, that says to protect data in google cloud shell, Because I clicked on it?, And what happens if Google Cloud home directory is deleted?, Actually support team suggest like this :

In this case you can try to access to that blue button again with your personal account but from a desktop computer and using a private window. this will ensure that there is nothing else affecting the login

Folders are nodes in theCloud Platform Resource Hierarchy.A folder can contain projects, other folders, or a combination of both.Organization resources can use folders to group projects under the organization resource node in ahierarchy. For example, your organization resource might contain multiple departments,each with its own set of Google Cloud resources. Folders allowyou to group these resources on a per-department basis. Folders areused to group resources that share common IAM policies. While a folder cancontain multiple folders or resources, a given folder or resource can haveexactly one parent.

In the diagram below, the organization resource, "Company", has folders representing twodepartments, "Dept X" and "Dept Y", and a folder, "Shared Infrastructure", foritems that might be common to both departments. Under "Dept Y", they haveorganized into two teams, and within the team folders, they further organize byproducts. The folder for "Product 1" further contains three projects, each withthe resources needed for the project. This provides them with a high degree offlexibility in assigning IAM policies and Organization policies at the rightlevel of granularity.

You can use folder-level IAM policies to control access to the resources thefolder contains. For example, if a user is granted the Compute InstanceAdmin role on a folder, that user has the Compute Instance Admin role forall of the projects in the folder.

Folder functionality is only available to Google Workspace and Cloud Identitycustomers that have an organization resource. For more information aboutacquiring an organization resource, seeCreating and managing organizations.

A common situation is to create folders that in turn contain additional foldersor projects, as shown in the image above. This structure is referred to as afolder hierarchy. When creating a folder hierarchy, keep in mind thefollowing:

To access and manage folders, you need to assign folder-specific IAM roles tospecific groups of users. To learn more about these roles, seeAccess Control for Folders using IAM. We alsorecommend you review our best practicesto help you identify the optimal configuration for your folder permissions.

To create folders, you must have the Folder Admin or Folder Creator roleat the parent level. For example, to create folders at the organization level,you must have one of these roles at the organization level.

This feature is subject to the "Pre-GA Offerings Terms" in the General Service Terms section of the Service Specific Terms. Pre-GA features are available "as is" and might have limited support. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.

Tags provide a way to create annotations for resources. You can add tags at the time of creating folders. To do this, you must grant the Tag User role. For more information on the permissions contained in this role, see Manage tags on resources. You can only add the namespace for the tag key-value pairs in one of the following ways:

You must carefully consider any policy implications before you move a projectinto or out of a folder. Identity and Access Management policies that you define at theproject level will move with the project, but policies inherited from aparent resource won't move.

When you move a project, any Identity and Access Management policies or organization policies thatare directly attached will move with it. However, a project in your resourcehierarchy is also affected by the policies that it inherits from parentresources. If a project inherits an IAM role that provides userspermission to use a particular service, users will not have access to thatservice at the destination unless it would inherit the permission at thedestination as well.

For example, consider a service account has the Storage Object Creatorrole bound to a user at Folder A. The service account has permissions to uploaddata to Cloud Storage in any project in Folder A. If you moved one of theseprojects to Folder B, which does not have the same inherited permissions, theservice account for that project loses the ability to upload data, resulting ina service outage.

These same considerations apply if organization policies are defined at thesource and destination folders. Like IAM policies, organizationpolicies are inherited. Consequently, you must ensure that your organizationpolicies are consistent between source and destination folders.

To move a project, you need the Project Mover IAM role(roles/resourcemanager.projectMover) on both the source folder and thedestination folder. If the resource is not in a folder, you need this role onthe organization resource. 152ee80cbc

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