Here we go again, making the same mistake. I'm constantly reminded that every 5 years the amount of programmers in the world doubles, which means at any point, 50% of the industry has less than 5 years experience. Which is probably why we keep falling for stuff like Bun. But I've seen this movie before, and I know how it ends.

I see a lot of parallels between Yarn and Bun. Both targeted existing open source systems, and instead of actually contributing to them, just went off to create their own competing technology. Both sold themselves on being way faster. Both went in with the goal of splitting the ecosystem. Neither had good backwards compatibility support. And both announced that they were officially v1.0 and ready for production! ...while not actually supporting Windows (read: not actually remotely production ready).

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So what happened to Yarn? Well, they came out with about a dozen cool new features that npm didn't have. And they were many times faster than npm. But then... only a year later, npm was already faster than Yarn. And another year later, Yarn would create a blog post explaining how it would ultimately be impossible for them to ever be faster than npm, due to the npm CLI being created by the same people in charge of the npm servers where the packages were stored and downloaded from. And that is still true to this day. In 2023, npm is still faster than Yarn. Its original big selling point.... has not been relevant for 5 years.

But what about the other features Yarn offered? With each passing year, more and more of them were implemented and released in npm, and as of today, all of the formerly-unique features Yarn offered, are built in to npm. Sure the implementations of the features are slightly different and for those that really care about the subtle nuance between how Yarn, Lerna, Turbo, and npm handle mono-repo management, you may prefer one over the other. But for the vast majority of use cases, the way npm implements these features is perfectly fine for almost all users.

Ah, but Bun is surely different? Right? I mean, it's written with ZIG! And ZIG! is super fast.... right? Eh, not really. It isn't doing anything magical, ultimately any performance you can achieve with it could be achieved with C++ (what Node.js is written in). So, just like with the story of old slow npm, once performance was prioritized, npm was able to go just as fast (faster even) than the competition. I can see a similar thing happening with Node. If given the proper attention, roughly equivalent speeds should be possible to the point where the differences are negligible. Well... kinda. I mean, we should probably acknowledge the fact that some of the benchmarks Bun brags about are cherry-picked or misrepresentative. So, even Bun doesn't live up to its own marketing hype. But you get the point.

Back to the parable of Yarn. When Yarn came out, it said it supported Windows. But none of the Facebook developers working on Yarn used Windows for their primary OS. So they quickly found out that Yarn, in fact did not run on that platform when released.

A short aside: Hi there, Primagen (the rest of you can skip this). Now I know, you've already made a snarky comment about Windows. But perhaps you should try to really value diversity in our society, and accept different ways of life. I mean, I get it. I totally do, Windows users make up a very very tiny minority of only 90% of computer users. But maybe... we should be respectful of that barely noticeable minority. :)

Back to the story.

So after about 2 weeks or so, they finally "fixed" it and Yarn could install and run on Windows.... kinda. I actually was never able to get Yarn to run reliably on Windows myself until they switched over to using corepack. Once you could install corepack via npm, and then install Yarn (or pnpm) on top of it, it was finally Windows compatible in a reliable, non-buggy, non-crashing, way. But by that point, Facebook had already dropped Yarn, and slowly, so did everyone else, it was already dying off by the time it ran on Windows.

I've still, to this day, never been able to get a Yarn mono-repo to run on Windows. I'm convinced it is not possible. Anyone who says they got it to work is lying to you. Sure, maybe in some Windows VM with nothing installed (not even Windows Updates), maybe someone got a Yarn monorepo to run on Windows, for a few glorious seconds. And maybe they also saw Sasquatch in the woods. Anything can happen. But on a real developer laptop, with random shit in the PATH, and Node and nvm-windows and volta and who knows what other random things installed, no, it doesn't work.

Okay, so Yarn came around, forced npm to get better, and then died. What's the problem? If that's all it did, then Yarn would have been great, but sadly it wasn't. npm was focused on developing and releasing the features the vast majority of users needed. But Yarn was focused on the features Facebook needed. Many of which were not important for 99% of people using npm. However, once people started using Yarn, npm had to repriortize what features they would develop and release. Instead of delivering higher value features that would be more relevant to more users, they had to quickly play catch up and add equivalent features to what Yarn was offering, as to avoid a split in the ecosystem. But Yarn marketed itself very well, and people bought into the hype. Even I was hyped for Yarn when it came out, until I found out it didn't actually run on Windows. But others didn't realize, or didn't care about that, and adopted it... and... and...

... And then Yarn became tribal. Stupid humans. Everything has to become tribal. And for several years there were thousands of README's created on projects that only told you the Yarn instructions for how to install the project. Confusing new developers. I can't tell you the amount of junior devs that have come to me asking for clarification on what this "Yarn thing" is, and if they need it. Thinking the project(s) they found would only work with Yarn. What a waste of everyone's time and mental space.

I always assumed someone at Facebook just found that convincing their boss to let them spend time adding features to an open source project they couldn't take credit for was a hard sell. It was probably easier for them to get approval to work on these features if they could use it for marketing for job recruitment or something. It always smelled of Not Invented Here syndrome.

Had Facebook just contributed to npm the features they wanted, then their features would have been released along side the ones npm was already working on. But instead it delayed the release of these other features by many years, resulting in duplicated efforts. And all for what? Yarn is basically dead at this point, except for a few niche edge cases. But I haven't seen a yarn add in a README in the past year or two. It's a sign of a past era.

That last one, built-in meta-languages, sort of leans into what Bun really is. It's just an abstraction layer for a bunch of technologies. It isn't an actual alternative, or competitor, it's literally the same thing, just already built in. Which sounds nice on paper, but ultimately is pretty bad.

Abstractions can be great, and simplify things. Let's look at Webpack for example. Webpack is... well just awful. NO ONE likes dealing with it. And that's why every JS Framework had to build an abstraction layer for it, because no wants to touch Webpack. Like the Angular-CLI, or Create-React-App, or Svelte-CLI, or the phenomenal Vue-CLI (which even has a GUI). We'll use Vue as the example, since it did the best job out of all of these abstractions. The vue.config.js file was a simple config that abstracted away all of the complexity of Webpack, while still giving you the exact same level of control if you needed it. It also reduced the amount of dependencies down from around 30-ish to like 3-ish. But then Vue's creator, Evan You, went and made Vite. And the vite.config.js was basically the same exact level of complexity as the vue.config.js except it didn't require them to maintain an entirely separate project (the Vue-CLI) to make it that way. Switching from Vue-CLI over to Vite, I ended up with the same amount of dependencies, and the same amount of config code. The end result is Vite is an abstraction layer for ESBuild that is as easy to use as the best abstraction layer for what it was replacing.

But Bun isn't doing that. It isn't taking something hard, and making a simpler abstraction for it. It's taking ESBuild and abstracting it just like how Vite is. It's not an improvement, it's basically the same thing. This is also the case for unit tests. Where they don't even pretend to offer something new, instead telling you to write your code as Jest or Vitest like normal, and they'll just hijack the imports and replace them with their own faster code under the hood.

Bun is just an abstraction layer on top of the tools we already have. Meaning it will always be behind the curve and can introduce additional bugs at that layer. Not ideal for such mission critical systems like installing dependencies, testing code, and building the code to be sent to production.

I picked on Yarn for it's poor Windows support. But they look amazing compared to Bun. At least they kind of had Windows support when they released it. It only barely worked some of the time, but it was there. However, of the dozens of features that Bun brags about, not even one of them is supported on Windows when it was released as "version 1.0".

"The Windows build is highly experimental and not production-ready. Only the JavaScript runtime is enabled; the package manager, test runner, and bundler have been disabled. Performance is not optimized." - Official Bun 1.0 blog post

So imagine this, they just launched and are showing off all these cool features that they are excited about and want people to use. What is more likely to happen? As thousands of people start using it and giving feedback, finding bugs, requesting features, needing support, do you think they will: 152ee80cbc

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