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In 2019, nearly 750 million people faced food insecurity, with that number expected to increase in the coming years. Climate change could significantly depress global crop yields, but adaptation efforts could help decrease this risk. The Blueprint for Digital Climate-Informed Advisory Services lays the conceptual foundation for building the climate resilience of at least 300 million small-scale agricultural producers by 2030.

Digital climate-informed advisory services (DCAS) are tools and platforms that integrate climate information into agricultural decision-making. These services include digital mobile apps, radio and online platforms, as well as to digitally enabled printed bulletins based on climate models and extension services that use climate information platforms. DCAS can help agricultural producers and other value chain actors build resilience to climate impacts that threaten present and future agri-food systems. Scaling up efforts, while leaving no one behind, is critical to safeguarding the millions of small-scale producers vital to our global food security. This working paper outlines key principles for good practice, explores how to build the resilience of at least 300 million small-holder producers by 2030 and provides a preliminary typology of how to target investments so they reach the most vulnerable and under-resourced. Additionally, it puts forward potential next steps to accelerate growth in this community of practice and increase meaningful investment in these services.

The blueprint was created by more than 150 stakeholders organized into three working groups on data quality and governance, equity and co-creation, and financially sustainable business models. These working groups were led by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University, the World Food Programme and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, respectively. In addition to working group reports, the blueprint was developed based on an extensive literature review and expert consultations undertaken by the World Resources Institute and the Global Center on Adaptation.

The contents of this blueprint were co-created by more than 150 stakeholders organized into three working groups on data quality and governance, equity and financially sustainable business models. These working groups were led by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University, the World Food Programme and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, respectively. In addition to working group reports, this blueprint was developed based on an extensive literature review and expert consultations undertaken by World Resources Institute and the Global Center on Adaptation.

City Blue Print has been a fantastic vendor partner. ADT has an international footprint and we often launch a lot of large scale print efforts companywide that can range from small prints to large graphic installs. Because of that, we need a fast and nimble printer partner that can keep up with all of our needs and City Blue is our vendor of choice. The staff is supper helpful, reliable and easy to work with and I could not ask for a better partnership.

The Blueprint will increase education funding by $3.8 billion each year over the next 10 years, enrich student experiences and accelerate student outcomes, as well as improve the quality of education.

Prioritizing equity, the Blueprint creates new programs and innovative approaches that aim to close achievement gaps and ensure opportunity and achievement gaps for every student, regardless of family income, race, ethnicity, and/or ability.

The Blueprint ensures strong oversight through the creation of the Accountability and Implementation Board and Expert Review Teams. These entities hold the State and local education agencies accountable for Blueprint implementation.

The Expert Review Team program is designed to support the implementation of the Blueprint at the school and district levels. By reviewing available data and information, and conducting a comprehensive school visit consisting of observations, interviews, and focus groups, the Expert Review Team will identify opportunities for improving the implementation of Blueprint initiatives with a focus on student outcomes and develop recommendations for support to improve student achievement.

The genetic services of Blueprint Genetics were highly professional. Their results came in due time, together with a thorough and insightful interpretation, reflecting high professional standards. We were very pleased with this collaboration and wish to continue it.

A blueprint is a reproduction of a technical drawing or engineering drawing using a contact print process on light-sensitive sheets introduced by Sir John Herschel in 1842.[1] The process allowed rapid and accurate production of an unlimited number of copies. It was widely used for over a century for the reproduction of specification drawings used in construction and industry. Blueprints were characterized by white lines on a blue background, a negative of the original. Color or shades of grey could not be reproduced.

The process is obsolete, largely displaced by the diazo whiteprint process, and later by large-format xerographic photocopiers. It has almost entirely been superseded by digital computer-aided construction drawings.

The blueprint process is based on a photosensitive ferric compound. The best known is a process using ammonium ferric citrate and potassium ferricyanide.[5] The paper is impregnated with a solution of ammonium ferric citrate and dried. When the paper is illuminated, a photoreaction turns the trivalent ferric iron into divalent ferrous iron. The image is then developed using a solution of potassium ferricyanide forming insoluble ferroferricyanide (Prussian blue or Turnbull's blue) with the divalent iron. Excess ammonium ferric citrate and potassium ferricyanide are then washed away.[6] The process is also known as cyanotype.

This is a simple process for the reproduction of any light transmitting document. Engineers and architects drew their designs on cartridge paper; these were then traced on to tracing paper using India ink for reproduction whenever needed. The tracing paper drawing is placed on top of the sensitized paper, and both are clamped under glass, in a daylight exposure frame, which is similar to a picture frame. The frame is put out into daylight, requiring a minute or two under a bright sun, or about ten minutes under an overcast sky to complete the exposure. Where ultra-violet light is transmitted through the tracing paper, the light-sensitive coating converts to a stable blue or black dye. Where the India ink blocks the ultra-violet light the coating does not convert and remains soluble. The image can be seen forming. When a strong image is seen the frame is brought indoors to stop the process. The unconverted coating is washed away, and the paper is then dried. The result is a copy of the original image with the clear background area rendered dark blue and the image reproduced as a white line.

Introduction of the blueprint process eliminated the expense of photolithographic reproduction or of hand-tracing of original drawings. By the later 1890s in American architectural offices, a blueprint was one-tenth the cost of a hand-traced reproduction.[8] The blueprint process is still used for special artistic and photographic effects, on paper and fabrics.[9][self-published source?]

Various base materials have been used for blueprints. Paper was a common choice; for more durable prints linen was sometimes used, but with time, the linen prints would shrink slightly. To combat this problem, printing on imitation vellum and, later, polyester film (Mylar) was implemented.

In the early 1940s, cyanotype blueprint began to be supplanted by diazo prints, also known as whiteprints. This technique produces blue lines on a white background. The drawings are also called blue-lines or bluelines.[10][11] Other comparable dye-based prints were known as blacklines. Diazo prints remained in use until they were replaced by xerographic print processes.

Xerography is standard copy machine technology using toner on bond paper. When large size xerography machines became available, c. 1975, they replaced the older printing methods. As computer-aided design techniques came into use, the designs were printed directly using a computer printer or plotter.

In the case of construction plans, such as road work or erecting a building, the supervising workers may view the "blueprints" directly on displays, rather than using printed paper sheets. These displays include mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets.[12] Software allows users to view and annotate electronic drawing files. Construction crews use software in the field to edit, share, and view blueprint documents in real-time.[13]

Many of the original paper blueprints are archived since they are still in use. In many situations their conversion to digital form is prohibitively expensive. Most buildings and roads constructed before c. 1990 will only have paper blueprints, not digital. These originals have significant importance to the repair and alteration of constructions still in use, e.g. bridges, buildings, sewer systems, roads, railroads, etc., and sometimes in legal matters concerning the determination of, for example, property boundaries, or who owns (and/or is responsible for) a boundary wall. 2351a5e196

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