We are pleased to announce the 3rd Protein Crystallography Course: From theory to practice to be held at Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile.

Crystallography is the methodology that has contributed most than any other to supply accurate information about the 3D structure of the molecules of life. This course represents an excellent opportunity to share with outstanding researchers working in Protein Crystallography. This methodology is now accessible in our country, and thus, the course will be devoted to undergraduate and graduate students, and post-docs interested in developing projects dealing with Protein Crystallography, but who may not have had any formal training in its theory and practice. We encourage to take this exciting opportunity to learn about Macromolecular Crystallography and enrich your research.

The course will be completely free and there will be funding for students affiliated to institutions outside Santiago.

The theoretical classes will take part on the Auditorio Hermann Niemeyer, at the Edificio Milenio (near Las encinas entrance, circle 1). The practical sessions will be done in the computation lab, at Pabellón G (Closer to las Palmeras access, circle 2)

Applications are closed


Organizer committee: mxciencias.uchile@gmail.com


Dr. Victor Castro, vcasfe@uchile.cl

Dra. Alejandra Herrera, alejandra.herreram@gmail.com

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