About Us

About the Co-Founders

Anisha Haque

Hello! I'm Anisha and I am 17 years old. I am currently a senior at Granada Hills Charter High School taking the IB program. Before the pandemic, I was involved in many volunteering programs that required me to do a lot of in-person activities. But because of the lockdown, a lot of these programs shut down, causing me to have more free time than I knew what to do with. I decided to invest my time in learning new hobbies and rekindle old ones such as my love for painting.

Mariette Reblora

Hi! I'm Mari and I'm 18 years old. I'm a senior at Granada Hills Charter High School taking the International Baccalaureate Program. Before the pandemic, I professionally played volleyball and competed in tournaments. Most of my time revolved around playing volleyball, studying, and volunteering. However, due to the pandemic, practices and tournaments were canceled. Cancelation of practices and tournaments forced me to pick up a paintbrush instead of a volleyball. This led me to uncover a new hobby—painting.

About the project

What is MxA?

MxA focuses on helping the homeless population in the San Fernando Valley and Anaheim area. Our objective is to raise enough money from our products and commissions and donate the earnings to a homeless shelter. With the help of an Australian-based website, Store with a Heart, we were able to advocate and introduce our products globally.

How did the project start?

MxA Canvas started off as a completely different community project that focused on interacting with the homeless population in the Valley. However, due to the pandemic, our original intentions for the project had to be shifted from in-person activities to remote services. Through our passion for art and desire to help the homeless community, we believed that it would be fun to revolve our project around these interests. Family members and friends donated clothing and accessories to help us start off this mission. After seeing positive feedback from our community, we opened up our own Instagram to help expand and advocate our core objective—helping the homeless community.