Markus Wulfmeier

Machine Learning & Robotics @ Google DeepMind


I am a researcher at Google DeepMind in machine learning and robotics. Previously, I have been a postdoctoral researcher and PhD student at the Oxford Robotics Institute as well as a member of Oxford University’s New College. Prior visiting scholar positions include UC Berkeley (Prof Pieter Abbeel's group), ETH Zurich (Prof Jonas Buchli's group), and MIT (Prof Karl Iagnemma's group).

My collaborator's and my work has received multiple awards, including Best Student Paper at IROS 2016 and Best Conference Paper at GVSETS 2012. I have been involved in conference, workshop, and seminar organisation and teaching over last last decade including outreach chair at CoRL 2022, six iterations of the robot learning workshop at NeurIPS and summer school seminars at UZH 2022 on advances in transfer learning for RL.

My current research focuses on