
100 Years of Sisterhood and Service

Sorors, as we continue to celebrate our 100th year as the Mid-Western Region, we want to encourage all Mid-Western Region chapters to participate in our “100 Acts of Service and Sisterhood challenge. 

(expand for more information)

With this challenge, we are asking chapters to complete 100 hours of activities focusing on the current administration’s six initiatives. The challenge will run through the end of the year, December 31, 2024. Hours can be tracked by using this free downloadable form. Completed forms may be submitted to Soror Lindsay Echols, Mid-Western Region Representative to the International Programs Committee at


If you feel that your chapter cannot meet the 100-hour requirement, a $100.00 donation can be made in lieu of the hours. Any proceeds received will go towards the MWR Region’s Boule Suite, Cluster Meetings, and the new and upcoming Undergraduate Summit. Should you decide to donate $100.00, please make checks payable to “AKA Mid-Western Region” and in the memo line, please write “100 Year Celebration”. Checks can be mailed to:

Alpha Kappa Alpha Mid-Western Region

c/o Sherrye Cravens Crawford

Regional Financial Secretary

P.O. Box 2741

OKC, OK 73101

Maximizing your program potential

We are excited to compile a comprehensive directory of entrepreneurial ventures led by our esteemed members in the Mid-Western Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 

This directory aims to celebrate and support our sorors' businesses by providing a platform for networking, collaboration, and visibility within our community.

MWR Entrepreneurial Directory Submission Form: Link 

If you have any questions, please contact our Mid-Western Region Representative to the International Program Committee, Soror Lindsay Echols at or (405) 301-4949.