

We've reserved a block of rooms for the nights of May 25th and the 26th at the Ivy Court Inn & Suites at a rate of $99 a night. In order to secure one of our rooms, you will need to do the following:

  1. Call Ivy Court at (574) 277-6500

  2. Request a room for the Midwest Dynamical Systems Conference

We strongly encourage participants to share a room, so that we can fund more participants.

Please make reservations before May 11, 2022. This is when rooms will be released to the public.

Participants will receive instructions later for how to seek reimbursement. Note that lodging funds may be limited to $198, regardless of the hotel you choose.


Participants who register before May 1 will be reimbursed for any reasonable travel expenses. If you need to fly, please get economy tickets on US-based carriers. If the costs will exceed $500, we are still likely to fund you, but please reach out by email (mwdsec2022@gmail.com) first.

University of Notre Dame Math Department Travel Information


Notre Dame Covid-19 Protocols and Policies

