
You can submit a question or comment, or you can add a vote to someone else's question or comment.

  • The comments related to Comunidad with the most votes, determine the agenda of our meeting.

  • The comments directed to the school with the most votes, determine the agenda of our bi-weekly meeting with Principal Jenn.

Jobs and Requests

  • At-risk Lottery Task Force - In the coming months, the task force will inform MV’s decision regarding if we should implement the lottery preference and how to best do it. If interested, email Comunidad or text or call us at (202) 922-6272.

  • Caregivers Representatives to the administration, principal, and Board - Comunidad is looking for representatives to participate in meetings on caregiver collaboration with Mundo Verde Administration, Principal Jenn, the Board, and Padres officers. The time commitments vary. If interested, email Comunidad or text or call us at (202) 922-6272.

  • Inclusion Events Help - If you would like to help organize events to build relationships among caregivers and staff, contact the Inclusion team.

  • Inclusion Research Project - We are looking for 8 volunteers to help conduct a 3-month research project to find out what are the communities schedules, availabilities, literacies, and access. We will use the info to redesign how Comunidad meets to be fully inclusive. Sign up on the sign-up sheet or contact the Inclusion team.

  • Talent & Resources Spoke Volunteers - As we decide, again, our structure, we need people who are willing to facilitate our fundraising, according to our 2022-2023 strategy. Contact the Talent & Resources team.

  • Vision-Mission-Strategy Facilitator - If you have strategy facilitation skills, we need your help. We would love for a facilitator to lead us in interactive workshops to choose our vision, mission, and 2022-2023 strategy and focus. Contact the planning team.