Resources on Mutual Aid

What is Mutual Aid? 

Resources providing broad overviews of theories, concepts, or history:

This book is a collection of stories, essays, and poems by librarians, addressing the following topics: the image of librarians, library rules, outreach, administration and organization, library literature, and future directions for libraries. Of particular interest for the subject of mutual aid is the chapter "We Lost it at the Library" about whether or not a library is a participatory democracy. 

Covid 19/Pandemic and Mutual Aid

BLM, divestment, ACAB and Mutual Aid

Other Resources that Inspire

Resources on Community 

Being able to talk across and within the greater community of organizers can be a helpful skill set. Here are some pieces that can help articulate the nuance of organizing mutual aid in a language that other organizers will understand and respect.

Defining Community

Identifying Community Needs

Guides, Models & Case Studies

Organizers learn from one another. Sometimes the most helpful resources for mutual aid organizing come in the form of guides, models, case studies, and exercises from other organizers working across different spaces. For organizers in the LAM community, there is so much that can be learned from work happening elsewhere.