The SEC Mutual Fund Cost Calculator:

A Tool for Comparing Mutual Funds The Mutual Fund Cost Calculator enables investors to easily estimate and compare the costs of owning mutual funds. The Cost Calculator takes the mystery and math out of the cost equation, revealing how costs add up over time.

Mutual fund costs take a big chunk out of any investor's return. That's why it's important for investors to know what costs they are paying, and which cost structure is best for them. By using the Cost Calculator investors will find answers quickly to questions like this: Which is better, a no-load fund with yearly expenses of 1.75% , or a fund with a front-end sales charge of 3.5% with yearly expenses of 0.90% ?

Mutual Fund Calculator

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Your retirement is on the horizon, but how far away? You can use this calculator to help you see where you stand in relation to your retirement goal and map out different paths to reach your target. You can print the results for future reference.

The Quick Results will show the closest matches to your search term based on the fund name, ticker, fund family, or keyword. The Analyzer will also search for matches in the Prospectus Objective and Morningstar Category.

To select a fund, click the "Plus" symbol or the fund row. Your selected funds will appear in your selection basket at the top of the page. You can select up to three funds to compare. To select other funds, first delete individual funds from the basket by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner of the particular fund box.

When you first click "Analyze" the Fund Analyzer will calculate the total costs and projected future account values (after expenses) of your selected funds. The initial display will show the results for these investment parameters:

The Analyzer compares your selected fund's annual operating expense ratio to the average for similar funds. The comparisons are based on product type, share class, and the Morningstar Prospectus Objective, Morningstar Category, and Morningstar 3-Year Star Rating. Average expense ratios for each subset of funds are shown alongside your fund's expense ratio.

The Fund Analyzer will calculate and graph the total cost, future value, and contributions and withdrawals for your selected funds. Also, it displays all the data for each year of your investment scenario.

The total costs for your scenario are shown. The fund(s) with the lowest cost for your holding period and rate of return are highlighted. You can display the account-level or fund-level cost by mousing over any of the data bars.

The future values of your investments reflect the deduction of all product-level and account-level fees and expenses. The fund with the highest projected account value, given your holding period and rate of return, is highlighted. You can display the values at any holding period by mousing over the data points. You can view and download the data tables in CSV format by clicking the "View Data" button.

The Return Over Time tab will display the range of account values for all holding periods from 1 to 20 years and all rates of return from -20%/year to 20%/year. The fund(s) with the maximum value for your holding period and rate of return are highlighted.

Once you configure transaction shares via the Advanced Options, the Trade Frequency tab will become visible. It displays account values for all holding periods from 1 to 20 years for the trade frequency you defined (e.g., 25%/yr., which is every four years). The fund with the highest projected account value at your holding period and trade frequency (e.g., 10 years and 25% per year) will be highlighted. You can view the values at any holding period by mousing over the data points.

The Analyzer includes data on available discounts. These discounts are reported by each mutual fund. To view the data, click View Details. Click the Read more link to see definitions of the discounts.

Morningstar does not adjust total returns for account-level fees such as front-end loads, deferred loads, and redemption fees. In Morningstar's opinion, to give a clear picture of performance, total returns only account for costs that are deducted from fund assets. That is the expense ratio, which includes management fees, administrative fees, 12b-1 fees, and certain other costs.

Displayed for each fund selected are its contact information, investment objective, category, 3-year Morningstar Star Rating, Morningstar Equities and Bonds Style Boxes, minimum purchase amount, annual operating expense, front-load, back-load, redemption fees, and 12b-1 fees. Additionally, the Potential Costs Over Time illustration shows which fees each fund may be subject to over time. For example, it shows when, and if, any potential front-loads, back-loads, redemption fees, and annual operating expense may apply. Click "Read More" to view additional information.

To use the Fund Analyzer's suite of advanced functions, click the Advanced Options link in the upper-right of the report page. This link is not visible until you select your fund(s) and click Analyze to generate the initial report.

Transaction shares: If you define your funds as transaction shares (or "clean shares") by selecting Yes to "Do Trades Create Cost?" in the Trade Cost & Annual Turnover advanced option, contributions will be restricted to year one (i.e., your initial contribution) and year two only. This restriction is necessary to reduce the complexity of the transaction share calculations.

Existing assets can use a different expense ratio and return than your contributed assets. That is because they are unlikely to be invested identically to your annual contributions. Existing assets, for example, can be invested in bond mutual funds while your new contributions use equity ETFs. The expense ratios and expected returns will differ greatly. You must make those entries. The Analyzer does not populate those fields automatically.

Potentially, existing assets may qualify for rights of accumulation (ROA) purposes. The portion that qualifies must be invested in the same fund family as your contributed assets, but they do not have to use the same share classes. See the ROA section for more information and an example.

You may override the fund's stated expense ratio(s) and enter up to two custom expense ratios between 0% and 10%. Custom expense ratios apply to all funds you compare and only to contributed assets. If you do not opt to input custom expense ratios, the contributed assets will use the expense ratios reported by each selected fund. Be aware: entering custom expense ratios may result in account values which are substantially higher or lower than using the fund's actual expense ratios.

The ClearTax SIP Calculator shows you the value of your investment after a certain number of years. You have to enter the amount you intend to invest as a SIP instalment. You may consider filling up the expected rate of return and the period you plan to invest in the SIP. The ClearTax SIP Calculator shows you the value of the investment at the end of the SIP tenure. You may enter different SIP instalments in the calculator to calculate the maturity value of your investment. You could also use the ClearTax SIP Calculator to select your SIP instalments depending on your financial goals.

Well, you could use the ClearTax SIP Calculator from the comfort of your home or anywhere. It helps you calculate the value of your SIP instalments at the end of the SIP tenure. You may consider using the ClearTax SIP Calculator to determine if your mutual fund investments could offer an inflation-beating return. You may consider using the ClearTax SIP Calculator to estimate the value of SIP instalments at the end of the investment period. You could align your mutual fund investments to match your risk tolerance and achieve your investment objectives.

You may consider entering the investment duration of your SIP in years, in the ClearTax SIP Calculator. The calculator will display the value of your investment at the end of the SIP tenure. You must enter both the SIP instalments and the duration of the investment, for the ClearTax SIP Calculator to show you the maturity value of your investment. SIP investors invest a fixed amount (SIP instalments) at regular intervals over a period called investment duration. The ClearTax SIP Calculator shows the value of the investment at the end of the SIP tenure. You must enter the investment duration of SIP so that the calculator can show you the value of your investment over some time. You could choose an investment duration in-line with the time you expect to achieve your financial objectives.

You may consider entering the expected annual return from SIP instalments in the ClearTax SIP Calculator. The calculator will show you the value of your investment at the end of the SIP tenure, based on the expected annual return from the investment. For example, if you enter a higher expected annual return, you could achieve your financial goals with a lower investment duration. You could enter a higher expected annual return if you intend to attain financial goals sooner than expected. However, it would be better to enter a reasonable expected annual return in the ClearTax SIP Calculator. It gives a true picture of the time you have to achieve your investment objectives.

The ClearTax SIP Return Calculator will show you the value of your SIP instalments at the end of the investment tenure. All you must do is enter the SIP instalment, investment duration, and the expected annual rate of return. The calculator will display the value of your investment at the end of the SIP tenure. You may use the ClearTax SIP Calculator to get a birds-eye view of your mutual fund investments. It helps you to decide on your SIP instalments to achieve your financial goals in time.

Making consistent investments over a number of years can be an effective strategy to accumulate wealth. Even small additions to your investment add up over time. Of course, a program of regular investing does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss. This calculator demonstrates how this investment strategy might work for you. 17dc91bb1f

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