For example, I have the original sound of a dialogue which I adjusted with volume and than I have some synchronized audio takes which I adjusted also with different volume settings. I want to let both tracks in my sequence and work with them so that I can decide later which track I want to hear and give both to the sound mix.

I could pull the volume down with audio mixer but than I have to do all the adjustments again. 

I could park the clip on a different track an mute that track but than I have too many tracks to work with (I already have 16).

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If you want to mute individual clips and not effect your audio mixer settings you could use the "Auto gain" rubberbanding to quickly put the volume to zero. Then it's easy to remove later - just select the clip and hit delete - it will remove any audio keyframes you had added.

Thanks guys - I hadn't thought of either of these toos. Both do the job well, albeit the Audio Mixer mutes the entire track rather than selected clips. On the other hand, for my project (experimenting with soundtrack vs. track audio), its just what the doctor ordered.

I would like to mute audio sound in certain area of movie clip. I assume that I need to add markers first and select the area I would like to mute. I couldn't find in effects any trick to do this. How can I mute certain part of audio sound from movie clip in Kdenlive?

Great question, @sharper3! When viewing or answering an event live, initiating two way talk is optional. Having those controls there during the live event allows you to control audio toggles as you desire for the duration of the event. Once viewing the recording, this volume will be best controlled through your normal mobile device volume, as that will control your app or media volume.

Why is this not fixed? This is a NECESSITY for certain scenes! I don't need the LIVE Stream to hear what going on in the background when I walk out of my study, nor should I have to mute all of my audio inputs manually for when I take a quick break.

It would be nice to automatically have certain scenes have no audio. For example, I don't want audio when I turn on my "I'll be right back" intermission scene, but currently I have to manually mute myself and the desktop audio. I'd like to be able to remove audio from the scene so when I turn that scene on , it is automatically muted. Or, if I could have a hotkey to mute the audio input/output, which would at least be a little easier than muting it manually from the app.

p.s. I see that you can also click the speaker on the timeline, which is perhaps faster than going to the audio mixer. But my question is about a keyboard shortcut for this. I'd love to not have to reach for the mouse.

If anyone happens to have a clever way to toggle this command on one key (raither than having to map 2 commands, one for mute and one for unmute) then I'm all ears. I'm aware that I can map unmute to the shift-modified version of the key I map mute too......but even this seems....over-complicted.

On a slight aside, I have 'mute clip' mapped to my keyboard too (to quickly turn off video and audio clips in the timeline), but with that command I had to map 'unmute clip' to another key (i.e. it didn't toggle) which I found be slightly cumbersome.

Hm, I see that there might be specific situations in which toggling could be the better option for a given task. But in general I would rather say that the separate commands give you better control. To mute/unmute the whole timeline or a bunch of consecutive clips, toggling would be fine. But, for example, if you had a mixed series of clips, some already muted and some not, and you wanted to mute or unmute all of them, toggling would just invert the clips. The command wouldn't know whether to leave the unmuted clips unmuted or the muted clips muted.

I currently have an AudioContext object with an analyzer and source buffer. I'm working on adding a gain node to mute the audio, which is not currently working. When I click mute, the audio level changes (it actually gets louder), so I know the gain is affecting something.

I am recently working on QGC, and spend lots of time with the drone in the resting position trying to understand the settings and all. However, QGC keeps shouting loud audio alerts regarding losing connectivity to the device.

Once users wish to use the FMOD Studio integration they will need to (a) disable Unity audio from the Edit > Project Settings > Audio menu, and (b) manually set the iOS Audio Sessions to allow for background and/or interrupting audio. This is mentioned in the iOS Specific Starter Guide of the iOS API.

Oops, that was some really bad advice. (Also, this is the exact definition of necroposting.) Instead of hitting the mute button, cut out the track and click on it like i previously said, then click on filters and add the mute filter.

However, it is not possible to "copy" the video or audio streams when ANY filters are being used on that stream. Think - if you are literally making a "copy" of the 1s and 0s that make up the original audio and video, and creating an output with those same 1s and 0s, you cannot change anything about the data. Filters change the actual bytes that make up the data, so it is not possible to apply a filter and also "copy" the data at the same time.

I am currently developing a game and in a game you usually have an option to mute the in-Game audio. Now PlayCanvas has some cool Audio-Listener stuff and I already disable the AudioListener which is active (cause only one can be active, I loop through all of the AudioListeners and disable the active one). But You can hear sounds even if you have no Audio-Listener. See my project:

Yeah, I should have pointed out that that doesn't work. The little grey icon appears with a speaker crossed out, but underneath it there's a "no entry" sign, which I assume indicates that this option is not available. I assume this is because in sound preferences, output is routed through my Firewire audio interface rather than "Internal speakers". Oh, and it says "the selected device has no output controls", and the volume slider and mute control are not available.

When viewing a live feed on the Yi Home app, the feed starts with the audio muted. This is fine as I can just unmute the audio and away I go, that is unless the feed buffers or needs to reconnected. When this happens and video feed reconnects, the audio is again muted.

Please can you advise if there is a planned update in the software to fix this issue. Having a monitor/camera with the sound switching to mute automatically, defeats the purpose for me and I now need to investigate different options.

Steve - I think Sarah means that when you view live image the default (as with multiple other brands of this type of tech) is muted. The sound will be recorded to the footage but I think she would like the audio enabled without having to touch the speaker icon on the live view.

Is it possible to configure a auto mute on a specific audio channel while some specific clip is being played? And after the clip is stoped, the audio channel is auto unmuted?

This would be a great feature for me!

I play guitar with bass using boss oc5 on separate channel. When i record a clip with bass and play it, i dont want my bass audio channel at same time. So I need to press my oc5 pedal everytime to avoid double bass on song. If automute is possible, I can let my oc5 pedal ON all the time and saves me a lot of thinking during the song!

Currently, if play after record is on, play follow actions trigger when record follow actions do. You might want to move the mute to finish record and get rid of the play follow action. That way it will mute the hardware input when you finish recording..just before the loop playback starts.

@espiegel123 said:

Currently, if play after record is on, play follow actions trigger when record follow actions do. You might want to move the mute to finish record and get rid of the play follow action. That way it will mute the hardware input when you finish recording..just before the loop playback starts.

It depends on the camera. The doorbell has a silent mode. The floodlight and Cam 2 do not. When I click the audio button on the doorbell it comes up and says silent mode which stays on when I go out of the feed. When I do the same action with the other cameras it the sound always plays after I come back into the feed.

I have a few EufyCams (2K indoor) and WyzeCams (v2 and v3) - I am unable to prevent the Eufy app from hijacking the audio every time I want to just view the camera (also checking on my kitten). It kills whatever current audio stream I have.

I'd like to be able to edit ONLY the audio stream in a presentation without cutting everything. Would be good if you could break out the audio stream and take out "uhms" and "ahs" or otherwise if needed.

Hi Adam... I've done this several times in the editor. If you zoom into the timeline, it's easy to see and crop out the "uhms" and "ahs." With "Preview cuts in playback" enabled, you can instantly preview the cuts you make. Keep in mind, cutting audio with the video in play is necessary. If the audio is edited in isolation from the video, both elements will eventually not sync up. Good luck!

@Ben Armstrong - thanks for the tip. I was hoping to cut only the audio without affecting the primary video stream, too. Since both are paired together in the P1 stream, you have to cut both together. Would be nice if they were separate streams. yes - I realize if you slip one separate from the other that it'll get out of sync, but you can't really slip the video streams in the timeline - you have to do that in the Streams or Cuts tab.

@Adam Brimer I've made at least 1 feature request for having audio separate from primary stream. Could be a game changer. I'd love to be able to record a primary and secondary streams and at times only have secondary showing. This could make it easier to add additional primary streams as well as you could potentially keep the same audio from the first primary stream. 17dc91bb1f

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