Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Arabic:    ) is a collection of musnad hadith compiled by the Islamic scholar Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. AH 241/AD 855) to whom the Hanbali fiqh (legislation) is attributed.[1]

Any other book like the sunan of ibn Majah, abi Dawod or an-Nassai or Jami' at-Tirmdihi or even the sahihs of ibn Hebban or ibn Khozaymah don't exclusively contain sahih narrations or at least their standard for accepting a hadith is much lower than the one of the two sahihs. Note that al-Bukhari also claimed that only the "musnad" (the ones he compiled with full chain) ahadith are considered as sahih, as he like other scholars of his time didn't compile ahadith exclusively but added sayings of sahaba and tabi'in and others to his book.

Musnad Imam Ahmad Pdf Free Download


Salam My Brother. Musnad Ahmad is indeed a great collection of Ahadith. It has thirty thousand ahadith which Ahmad had narrated on the authority of 283 sheikhs of him. The difference is that Musand Ahmad also includes quotations of Companions and Tabaeen(Good people who were born shortly after the Prophet and did not see him) therefore can not be classified in these books. This was termed as Imam by Ahmad(Rah A). For in depth explanation you can see: -ahmad-one-of-the-authentic-books-of-ahadith/

First of all, we may defend Imam Ahmad (for narrating this hadith) in general terms, by noting that what he quoted does not include any hadith that speaks of rulings on what is halaal and haraam, and being lenient in narrating hadiths without highlighting the problem with them was something that was commonly done. It is proven that Imam Ahmad and other imams said: If we narrate hadiths concerning halaal and haraam, then we are strict concerning them, but if we narrate hadiths concerning virtuous deeds and the like, then we are lenient.

Chronologically the last of the four imams and lived just after the first three generations of exemplary Muslims, thus confronting a slightly different situation from that faced by his three predecessors. This necessitated a fresh approach to the legal issues arising out of the situation of the rapidly expanding urban development and imperial government which had started to engulf much of the Muslim community. e24fc04721

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