Privacy Policy - Term Of Use

Privacy Policy

This app is committed to compliance with all applicable country-specific data privacy laws. Protecting the privacy and security of your Personal Data is of the highest importance to this app; therefore, we conduct our business by abiding by applicable laws on data privacy and data security.

Personal data

Through our apps, we will not collect any personal data about you(e.g. your name, address), unless you voluntarily choose to provide us with it(e.g. by registration, survey, contest participation), provide your explicit consent, or unless otherwise permitted by applicable laws and regulations for the protection of your personal data.

Information We Collect

Information you provide

Customer support. You may provide us with information related to your use of our services, including copies of your messages, and how to contact you so we can provide you customer support. For example, you may send us an email with information relating to our app performance or other issues.

Automatically Collected information

Usage and Log information. We collect service-related, diagnostic, and performance information. This includes information about your activity (such as how you use our services, how you interact with others using our services, and the like), log files, and diagnostic, crash, and performance logs and reports.

Transactional Information. If you pay for our services, we may receive information and confirmations, such as payment receipts, including from app stores or other third parties processing your payment.

Device and Connection Information. W e collect device-specific information when you install, access, or use our services, this includes information such as hardware model, operating system information, browser information, IP address, mobile network information, and device identifiers.

Third Party Advertising

Application will share data with third party business partners who commit to comply with applicable laws concerning their usage of data, and may use the data as described in Automatic Data Collection and Advertising.

For third Party Advertising information, please visit:


Google Analytics, Firebase GCM:



Advertisers may also place cookies in your browser that may allow them to collect certain information about your browsing history. To find out more about how to exercise choices with respect to certain third party cookies, including opting out of receiving such cookies, visit the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising at, or the Network Advertising Initiative at If you choose to upgrade our premium services, the Premium subscription-based version of our App, our App will not serve any ads and thus no information will be collected by our third-party ad partners on our Premium version.


We may use personal information to provide the services you’ve requested, including services that display customized content and advertising.

We may also use personal information for auditing, research and analysis to operate and improve our technologies and services.

We do not sell or otherwise market your personal data to third parties. In rate circumstances, including complying with legal processes, preventing fraud or imminent harm, and ensuring the security of our network and services we require third parties to comply with our Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.