M A P Program

One in music, many in style


  • Serve the Music and Musicoin Community
  • Improve your music, collaborate with other artists and involve listeners with music on Musicoin
  • Work inside the platform : chatting, tip and helping artists with allocated $music
  • Enjoy music from the platform, the mobile app and share it in your social networks using #musicoin
  • Read the Musicoin White Paper and Road Map
  • Organise Musicoin concerts, showcases, meetups, interviews, presentations and other local initiatives.
  • Shoot video and photos about your Musicoin experience and then share it #lovemusicoin #musicoin
  • Invite new artists or listeners join the platform, and ambassadors join this program
  • Attend our 14 GMT Thursday scheduled MAP meetings call, 20,000 $music reward
  • Listen and vote for Artist of the Week, propose artist and share it
  • Repost and/or retweet Musicoin posts on Twitter, Fbook and Istagram and other Social Network
  • Act independently with creativity in your environment to promote music through Musicoin
  • Give the same chance to all other artists around you

Ambassadors Process - “Share half” - Action