Musicoin Ambassadors

One in music, many in style

Create a global ambassador network and make it sustainable

Harmonize the community with a common vision and spread it around the world

Respect art in all its diversity and work to improve it

Recognize that all artists are interdependent and every artwork has value regardless of its economic worth

Affirm faith in the artistic potential of each artist and take action to make it emerge synergistically

Care for the community of artists with understanding, compassion, and love

Accept that with the right to own, manage, and use copyright comes the duty to protect the rights of each artist

Consider common creative license to protect you songs

Affirm that with increased success, wealth and celebrity comes increased responsibility to promote the common good

Build a democratic community that is just, participatory, sustainable, and peaceful

Ensure that this community provides everyone with an opportunity to realize his or her full potential

Promote social and economic justice, enabling all to achieve a secure and meaningful livelihood

Every artist should be able to meet the needs of their family

Act to eradicate poverty for all artists in the world thanks to all our joint efforts

Where we are

Musicoin White Paper

Musicoin White Paper v2.0.0 (Updated).pdf

One in music, many in style
