Each session is preceded by a song. The goal is to lose the shame, relax, connect with the group, leave the problems outside the room. This First song is the bridge between our rigidity to our spontaneity.

We start dancing waltz, taking the rhythm, laughing and fighting the shame of dancing around the room with people we didn't know. We were all the same. No one expects it.

In this second session we start to dance. Although we are from different origins the movement comes out alone. As if we were in a concert we are letting go by the continuous rhythm and the motif of the bass.

Regarding comercial music, if a song is catchy it will reach all corners of the world, i.e., everybody knows the Spice Girls. As most of us were in the 90's or around, it is very easy to transport ourselves into our teenager ages. The repetitive rhythm, predictable changes and catchy lyrics is why we loved that song when we were young. Nowadays, listening to it facilitates the creation of an environment of trust, creativity and security.

Everybody is dancing and laughing. We are trying to dance as if we had seen it millions of times on TV. We are switching the partner from time to time.

It is time to experience the "Rumba Catalana". Dancing with your partners or alone this song has the power to give you happiness, and it transports you to the Mediterranean. Meanwhile, you are learning another pattern of rhythm.

Feel that you can fly. We calm down and get inside the session. Everybody sings the song or whistles it. Everything is going to be alright...

Time to dance, jump, laugh and exercise!

We are singing the repetitive chorus, dancing and feeling happy because the song states so.

We are moving through space, jumping and with great movements.

We are dancing, playing with new body movements and laughing.

We follow the pulsation and rhythm of the song. We relax.

Jump, move, scream. Make yourself big in the space.

It is a bird, that becomes a tree, that becomes a person.