Call for Papers

The Fourth International Workshop on Mobile Ubiquitous Systems, Infrastructures, Communications and AppLications

MUSICAL 2021 Fall

November 8, 2021 Oita, Japan/ Online

In conjunction with Mobiquitous 2021


The MUSICAL 2021 Fall workshop is a forum to discuss technologies related to future mobile ubiquitous systems, from every possible aspect of information and communication technologies. Since future mobile ubiquitous systems could include a wide range of technologies, including wired and wireless communications, data processing and analytics, mobile and social applications, etc., this workshop accepts all of them to have beneficial discussions related to the upcoming mobile ubiquitous world.

Especially we expect graduate students, Ph.D. students, and other young researchers to submit and attend this workshop. The area of mobile ubiquitous technologies is just emerging now and the area requires new fresh ideas from young researchers and students to create a stimulative mobile ubiquitous world. So, the discussion by young researchers on this topic would be very interesting and exciting.

The workshop will be organized in a manner that fosters interaction and exchange of ideas among the participants. Besides paper presentations, time will be allocated to a session for group discussion. For each group, we will assign one or two active researchers as coordinators for facilitating discussion among participants and feedback to young researchers.

We solicit original research articles that include new ideas or technologies that promote discussion on future technological innovations from a wide variety of technical seeds.


Topics of this workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • ad-hoc networks

  • body area networks

  • cloud computing

  • context-aware applications

  • crowd sourcing

  • distributed computing

  • energy-aware computing/systems

  • home gateways/networks

  • Internet of Things

  • infrastructure technologies

  • location-based/tracking systems

  • mobile applications

  • mobile data management/analytics

  • mobile device architectures

  • mobile user experience

  • multimedia communication/applications

  • network architecture/protocols

  • participatory sensing

  • peer-to-peer computing

  • security and privacy

  • semantic web technologies

  • sensor networks

  • smart environment

  • social network applications

  • software-defined networks

  • ubiquitous devices/middleware

  • vehicular networks/applications

  • wearable computing

  • web-based technologies

  • wireless communications/networks

Important Dates

Paper Submission: September 1, 2021 (extended)

Notifcation of Acceptance: September 20, 2021

Camera Ready Papers: October 17, 2021